Scrolling down- sees ‘THE END’ ...... *processing* … the end ? KOREAN HUUUUUUH ?!?!?! That came out of nowhere… well okay author, pls do not give us time to mentally prepare for ‘the end’- it’s okay, just slap us with it ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
I know many have a ‘hate love’ relationship with this story, but this will probably forever be my favorite manga It was one of the very first Yaoi manga’s I read and it has a special place in my heart and I love to come back from time to time, to reread it
I don’t want admit but when he gave him the ring my eyes got teary. But when Alex said goodbye my tears where streaming! This was such a wonderful journey, which is totally worth reading again! ┗( T﹏T )┛
Brother Mo was so cute in the last panel (≧∀≦)