I didn’t understand what Sabrina meant it’s almost 5 months soon- is he 5 months pregnant or is there 5 months until he gives birth? Logic thinking it should be 5 months until he gives birth, and that’s what I think it’s meant. But I didn’t quite understood it, I just wanna be sure

He's almost 5 months pregnant. He's currently 4 months pregnant right now and he needs to have the baby aborted otherwise it would be dangerous for him if he waits for the baby to get bigger. Its safer to have an abortion as early as possible in a pregnancy as the longer you wait, the more complications may arise.

Hello thank you so much for updating, it warms my heart that someone has picked it up. I myself was in the middle of translating it, but you guys beat me to it but I’m okay with that. I can see you have translated from the Russian version, therefore there are some mistranslation. I hope you don’t take it as a scolding but simple me helping you (translated from the Chinese version).
Our main character the crown prince Feng Ming is from Xi Lei
Our second main character regent king Rong Tian
(New character) Rou Yan the regent king is from Li Gou
I hope this helps, and I hope you will continue to update the rest of the remaining chapters

Oh my hi! You know Chinese? We are not stopping you if you want to go for 11chp, cause 10 we just now finished( ̄∇ ̄") and planning to upload now.
And thanks for correcting.
Yes, we have received messages about some corrections. Regarding names of kindoms and charachter names, since they pronounce and appear differently in two different languages , in our case Russian ×English, we approximately encountered 3 to 4 differentversionsof them. We have corrected them. And they are almost similar like you have corrected here. Don't hesitate to message us if you want to take up the rest chps. We do think Chinese translations are probably would be the closest ones to original ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I guess a lot noticed, but it was clear in his eyes that he had memory lost. Also because blood was running out of his head when they found them.
I had this theory that they would take him and train him into killing Asami, since it is his weaknesses.
I’m super excited for the “method” they used! And how this is gonna unfold! Huehuehue ~

But can I be honest and let out some frustration!
Asami got conscious at the hospital, him spending 5 months at his step brothers place without doing anything.... doesn’t really seem like him. OKAY I KNOW that this time he was injured beyond injured! And survived I don’t know how many floors of a crash. But 5 months without contacting his organization nor knowing anything about Akihito and then all of a sudden needs to know... is it just me or isn’t that kinda weird??
I have to reread it again to see if I missed out on anything.
What do you guys think?

Also the organization reaction!!
Kirishima says that they haven’t been able to find any clues on Asami’s whereabouts after his disappearance at the hospital.
He thinks - where is he? How is he doing?
Sorry if it’s just me but. The hospital was attacked, Asami disappeared and so did Akihito. AND SUDO! THE ENEMY!! If it was me I would have assumed the enemy would have them. And not being able to find any information for 5 months - I would likely assume he is dead- of course I would keep looking for his body, and hope he is still alive. But the hospital was attacked!!
Again it kinda wouldn’t take me by surprise if Kirishima knew about Asami’s background story and family. But It didn’t sound like he knew... IF HE DID wouldn’t he have found some information?
Guess the story will tell

More update
We also got the information that When Akihito says ‘bye,bye Asami’
Asami is spelled with Katakana and not Kanji which means that Sudo, probably mostly Sakazaki has joined a foreign organization, maybe the Russian cause we are already introduced to them.
But again since we are introduced to Asami’s half brother and his father (who I can understand also runs an organization) we might be introduced to a new organization also because Akihito is in Poland.... but his reason for being there might have another meaning.... like mission or something??
It’s so interesting!!
It’s gonna be so dope when this gets animated