I usually don't like when the villain(ess) is ridiculous, but this girl is the epitome of embarrassing, she just says the most absurd things while fully believing in them, it's like there's not an speck of intelligence in her
But those reactions are pricelessss

In the novel she is conformed to be very stupid. Like never paid attention in school type of stupid. Has no commen sense because she relied on her body to get stuff type of stupid.
Unlike Emi who was very smart, she knew alot about government and the diffrent systems that make it up, government aid systems and how they worked. Emi knew agriculture, microbiology, structural engineering, and so much more!!

Idk I guess I'm frustrated, their final scene and chapter was beautiful, but the way she died is just frustrating, like the type of situation that could have been avoided. Overall I'm just sad that he just ended up alone, even if he lived.
But now I only have one question about the end, wasn't he supposed to go to jail since he actually killed her?

Is there a chance for Joo-ah to improve herself?? I don't really like her for what she did, but I'm hoping for something (?) from her, a chance to redeem herself maybe? It'd be interesting
And Sang-Hee gosh, I NEED to know what she'll do, I mean she has to do something, right? that relationship is not worth it. I wonder if she'll just break-up or if she'll get revenge (and how)

I don't really have a problem with the ML being a fboy, slow to decide his feelings or whatever (development takes time) but for some reason we're on ch 9 and he still doesn't seem to have a lot of charisma to me? The art and composition helps, but it's like he fades in comparison to the fml, who I like a lot more
Ch 40 and I still don't know what is Iseon's deal, does he actually want to get back with Yoomin? Because it's convenient? Or is there something more?
Ikr!!l like leave her alone if you don't like her bro