When's the father-daughter reunion comingggggg? I want to know why he left her and the reason why he didn't return. This side of the story is much more interesting than the ML's side imo. I'll see how it turns out.
Maybe he couldn't? Or if he did his wife would've died. Kind of like how it is with Ari and the duke. Cuz the wife seems to be immortal too. So maybe if he is too far away she shrivels up and dies.
Man, what kind of a sister is she? What made her personality that way, yikes. If I was him, I would've disowned her a long time ago for treating me like a slave. That stuff's suffocating and horrible as heck.
I hope he lives a good life in this other world. Waiting for the next chaptersss-
This comment section is so passionate hahahha I live for the dramaa