I love 2nd ml but i feel like the reason why most of you want her to end with 2nd ml is not bc he is a better match, but bc fl doesnt love him back. Both mls are cool, handsome, have great personality, both try to protect her and help her. And its author's fault bc both are geniuinely in love with her and one gets to have her and the other doesnt so ppl immediately get the 2nd male lead syndrome and if she loved the black haired one, most of you would go for the blond dude. Ofc i exclude ppl who have their own preferences such as ppl who love black haired ppl etc
Riftan hate is undeserved imo, cuz while reading it u might think what they r doing is easy but it isn't and maxi is indeed fragile and its okey for her to be that way. If i were him i would also be on alert at all times and would be on the edge cuz anything can happen anytime and that could make me a little mad too. And riftan sucks at communication so it probs makes him more frustrated and hence make him seem more annoying.