I personally like this manga. As the mangaka wrote: "There are people who fall madly in love, for no logical reason, even knowing they'll get nothing in return. And it's hard to put an end to that kind of love". This is the kind of love where your head is often overruled by your heart. You can run, try to find a new love and get over it but it's so easy to get sucked right back in. Ever heard Apocalyptica's song "Not Strong Enough"? It's the perfect song for that kind of love.
Been wanting to buy Love so life but I can only find Chinese and French versions *sob*
Can you tell me where you found the French version ? I'm French and I can't find it in any local store...
I'm french too and I found it at the store "Furet du Nord", well there isn't a lot of their stores though (I'm lucky I have 3 near my city) you can see where they are here http://www.furet.com/cafe/nos-magasins/
But if there isn't one where you live you can still order it on amazon http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_13?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=love+so+life+11&sprefix=love+so+life+%2Caps%2C269&rh=n%3A301061%2Ck%3Alove+so+life+11
You can find the extra about the brothers here: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aruji_no_oose_no_mama_ni/mf/v01/c004/2/
Thank you ~
When I started to read this manhwa, I liked it. Now I just hate the girl and all the drama.