OK I LOVE BNHA BUT DAMN IT'S TRYING TO KILL ME. I leave a few chapters at a time to binge read and so much regret cuz they fucking killed off Midnight and a bunch of other ppls lives on the lineand I just uggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ya know people give bnha a lot of shit but this fucking manga is top tier okay and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. That whole scene with people screaming for help and the hero wanting to give up hit different I was actually upset. Midnight's death still has me reeling and it scares me cuz that means there are highchances of us losing more amazing characters and I will cry if anything happens to Tamaki. WHERE TF IS BAKUGO I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM AND IM WORRIED AF. Also also AFO YOU SONOVABITCH GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM TENKO YOU MANIPULATIVE CUNT...ahemn I understand that Tenko is a shithead 90% of the time but Deku will friendship no jutsu him and it'll be fine so afo needs to back tf up before he gets smacked tf up I WILL find a way to slap the shit ouuta a fictional character. I'm really excited for tarturus being broken open which is contradictory cuz I want my hero babies to recover but NEW CHARACTERS YES OML YES MORE PEOPLE FOR ME TO GET UNHEALTHALY EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO YAY. I can feel the conspiracies forming already and that is my fave part about this franchise the mf conspiracies. SPEAKING OF AHAHAHAHA TOUYA YOU HOE U WENT AND DID IT IM PROUD OF YOU BITCH but also istg do not touch bby Shouto he dont need ur shit rn. ENDEAVOUR I HATE YOU BUT I ALSO KIND OF RESPECT YOUR EFFORTS TO NOT BE AS SHIT AND YOU FOUGHT WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAD SO IM NOT GONNA SHIT ON U TOO MUCH. Thank you for trying to protect thos kids but damn you were a dickhead for 98% of your life. WHERE ARE YAGI AND ERI IM CONCERNED PLS NO ONE TOUCH THESE BABIES. Also one more prayer before I go cry to my friends about this plsbeatimeskipplsbeatimeskipplsbeatimeskip.Ok final final thing that last page cannot be real the translators are fucking with us istg ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ok so just caught up with bnha and omfg bakugou took that hit for deku and I just ahsdfgdgfddgdd and now that panel is my fucking wallpaper cuz bakugou has come so far and I love him so much and like he ain't finna die but the character development my gawd. Also FUCKING FIGHT BETWEEN DEKU AND TENKO IS SOOOO BADDDDD ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT SHIT ANIMATED. Tenko is so fucking cool I love it afo can feck off tho and deku bby ily keep fighting. Endeavour your redemption arc was beautiful and ure so ready to jump in and defend these kids (especially since the first person you asked for was shoto) so like.....progression. Tenko ily but also WTF DID YOU DO TO AIZAWA OML AIZAWA FINNA LOSE A LEG, MIRKO LOST AN ARM AND HAWKS IS DYING ADJFJSJFJSSFKAKS. Like does this mean Aizawa has lost his quirk or what????????? ALSO IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO PRECIOUS BBY ERI I WILL FLIP MY SHIT.Also also what's going on with gigantichomia this bitch running around causing stress and he did smth to Tamaki and idk if tamaki finna be ok oml AND KIRI WAS SUCH A BADASS THROWING THAT VIAL IN AND SAVING MINA.(has mino met giga before maybe???) ALSO THIS FUCKING DOCTOR NEEDS TO GO PRESENT MIC U NEEDA DROP HIS ASS AND GO GET AIZAWA. The amount of stress this manga brings me is unreal oml. Toga I can't even feel bad for you fam like i'm sad twice died aswell but like you're always on some "pity me i'm not normal" shit and I can't. Deku you bastard if you've mashed up your arms I will cry I believe in you and ofa also istg everytime I see Nana my heart goes *doki doki* cuz damn that woman is top tier.....imma stop now ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Please for the love of god read the whole manga because sure the first few arcs are basic and not all that interesting but everything ends up weaving together so beautifully and especially these last few chapters have really been amazing and worth reading. It legit makes me so sad when people say MHA sucks and that it's shitty and boring when they havent even caught up with the manga because some of these panels are fucking heart wrenching cuz you can't help but feel for these characters man. The fandom may be kinda shitty but the actual content itself is beautiful for example I hated bakugou in the beginning but he's changed so much and come so far that now he's my favourite character. I just this manga is fucking amazing and it makes me wanna fight anyone that says bnha is shit cuz they just dont fucking know even half of the story yet. ╥﹏╥
I'm actually one of those people that would say MHA is shitty, and it's because I was heavily invested in it years ago, looking for something to replace the void left by Naruto ending, Bleach ending, HxH going on haitus...etc I wanted another amazing long shounen manga to love for years to come but I became more and more dissapointed in MHA as the arcs went on, so I dropped it. However it's been years and I keep hearing young people (new kids that did not grow up with Naruto airing on Toonami) praising MHA. And I'm just like, maybe this is what kids today like, difference of opinion cause I don't see the appeal.
this comment has got me thinking I should try it out again. I've got years worth of chapters to catch up on though and that is kinda daunting...
I talk like I'm old lol but I'm 25, idk if most of the people that like MHA are much younger but it seems like it???
Oml I'm so glad that this is encouraging you to read mha and I know there's a lot but it's 100% worth it
lol you have like just under a decade on me but I get what you mean.A lot of people that wax lyrical about it are like 13 and they kinda make the fandom shit and have only watched the anime not saying that they're all horrible but the manga readers are defo better (=・ω・=)
Really?? Lol It's good to know there are people around my age that find it a good read. Well I guess imma have to saddle in for the long binge session
I did grow up with naruto, well I'm a few years older so it's more like I remember when I first watched it on tv (dubbed), it is not like dbz or inuyasha or older animes that I can't even remember when exactly did I started watching it, I like it good enough, I remember the excitement, though it's been many years since I've considered myself a fan.
The thing about mha is that it feels fresh, I love the drawing style (personal preference), it can be adorable (Izuku) or plain creepy (Shigaraki).
Something I loved too is the pacing of the chapters/episodes, I feel like they don't waste time.
Also, I really like details, the thing about tsukasa's wings? The sentinent OFA? Those were planned. There are theories of OFA being parasitic in nature, an equivalent of AFO who is taking possesion of Shigaraki, we got a hint when Izuku first fought Shinso and he saw the vestiges (good thing those are supposed to be good).
But overall, it just makes me feel good watching it and reading it, Horikoshi wanted All Might to represent to his people "a symbol of peace" and to keep people smiling because "I am here" the thing is IT WORKED, even when speaking with friends and family something we can agree on is that when we saw all might appear we would automatically smile, that is an indicator that the author did a very good job.
For a while I did too the "things were better before", and in some things I agree, in others I just rather try to keep an open mind, and if I don't like it? Well I don't like how my parents and grandparents used to get dressed when they were young, things evolve all the time.
Sorry for the spiel this pandemic has me like this.
I appreciate the spiel dw lockdown is a bitch. I LOVE U ANONYMOUS READER CUZ LIKE I FELT THIS....sorry it's just MHA has so much to offer and so much that it has already given us soooo it's just nice to know that there's others out there supporting/appreciating it seriously aswell ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄