The workplace comedy's story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently chan...
- Author: Ichikawa Dan
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Seinen
This would be a great manga adaptation if there were distinct characters. In the music video franchise, there is a hot middle-aged gay to a religious maniac loli.
One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, ...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Lee Hyun Ho, an ordinary man who was looking for a job in Korea, has been reincarnated into a prince...
- Author: Kusa , 구사,Kim Tae-Hyung
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Webtoons / Shounen
I've always hated Harem and Ecchi along with the typical Weak Ukes in manga.
For those who hate those tropes this list contains:
Smart Male Leads
♧Strong Male Leads
♤Strong Ukes
♧Strong Semes
♤Healthy Relationships
♧No Ecchi
♤No Harem
♧No Oppais
◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇《Enjoy》 ~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
PS: I'll try to give a review for ever manga that I possibly can on this list. Some of them may have only plot summaries as of now.
Kim Jihyun, who lived his life as a disreputable surgeon, gains a second chance to relive his life. ...
- Author: Kidari studio,Yuin,Yeon jae joong
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Webtoons
'Want to cut ties but let me get fucked by you again, just horny don't mind me' vibe
Yeah the seme is hot but uke's common sense is a thing I can't comprehend.
The revenge is acceptable but the story is unnecessary long, why Kyou isn't dead yet? And how about random female characters got raped every fucking arc, and harem appeared out of nowhere. I get that it is a fan service and comedic relief but it just empty. The intense tone of revenge plot is very clear and why do you have to add this shit? I am disappointed in the author but will still keep following this until the ending folded.
Imagine being passed out for thousand times in several months non-stop. IDK why his suffering seems the cruelest to me.
Lee Yong-ga South Korea is filled with various shitty laws. The group of ‘juvenile kids’...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Drama
Yunho is a vocalist of a rock band with a painful past of losing all of his family in a car accident...
- Author: Mindal Park
- Genres: Romance / fantasy / Yaoi / webtoons / Drama
Yunho is a vocalist of a rock band with a painful past of losing all of his family in a car accident...
- Author: Mindal Park
- Genres: Romance / fantasy / Yaoi / webtoons / Drama
After going through several lifetimes, Takao, a former knight, is currently living as an office work...
- Author: Sakumoto Ayu
- Genres: Reincarnation / Romance / Comedy / Yaoi / Fantasy
After going through several lifetimes, Takao, a former knight, is currently living as an office work...
- Author: Sakumoto Ayu
- Genres: Reincarnation / Romance / Comedy / Yaoi / Fantasy
The world’s greatest chef. First, second, third… and sixth life. The combined time I’ve spent ...
- Author: Studio Jemi, Mungonglyong,ChocoLatte
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Cooking
The world’s greatest chef. First, second, third… and sixth life. The combined time I’ve spent ...
- Author: Studio Jemi, Mungonglyong,ChocoLatte
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Cooking
Kim GiGyu awakened as a player at the age of 18. He thought his life was on the track to success, cl...
- Author: 가빈지, Aengmusae, PARK Jungjae, Studio Khit
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Mystery
Kim GiGyu awakened as a player at the age of 18. He thought his life was on the track to success, cl...
- Author: 가빈지, Aengmusae, PARK Jungjae, Studio Khit
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Mystery