"YOUR dick is MY dick"
"Hand over that dick"
"I can see your balls.... two magnificant orbs"
Why is the teacher a green flag??? As soon as he starts trying to date the student he's immediately a red flag T0T
Okay so my theory is that the omega dude is his fated mate, but because they met before he showed as an adult, his brain had already bonded to him, and thats why he couldn't smell any of the other omegas
I mean like???? technically that would shut him up??? so like??? smart???? but also???
omg thats psycho thats so cool omg
this is such a cool story
I got to 51 saw the "follow the artist you- " thing like the vague fade of the box and verbally went "NOOOOOO YOU AGAIN???"
god can you imagine it there was cool lore like this the whole time, and he wasn't getting gang raped every other chapter
thankyou translator!
anyways, OH MY GOD evil evil evil, I feel so dumb for belieiving it
we all knew it was coming someone stop me and makeme marinate this instead of reading it ;-;
he's waiting until graduation to make him into an omega so that he can have him and doesn't get thrown away, but also like HES GOT AN ENGAGEMENT PARTY
bRO you gotta get in quick!!!