BubblegumB!tch created a topic of In the Doghouse

We're so fucking close man we're so fucking close

I mean finally a stealer that understands that cheaters are easy to cheat again ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

BubblegumB!tch created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

I hope the two rapists get together, and specifically the one thats trying his best to be better makes the long haired friend's life miserable
I just think ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ they deserve to experience the bullshit they put other people through

BubblegumB!tch created a topic of Alpha x Alpha

I feel really bad but all I could think whilst reading this was about how their bodies work
Like they have a chance to be pregnant right? That means they have both testes and ovaries right? but thats like my brain is like usually you end up with either from the same primordium so like
they have one of each??
Idky but my brain is like "physically it would make more sense if their testes sat in their bodies with their ovaries
like Polyorchidism occurs, but usually its like (00)(00) not like 2 different sets so my brain is just like
idk maybe its the other way round and their ovaries are in their balls, but like they had the folds, and those are usually what forms the scrotum, so like
Two pairs as well??
Idk my brain is just sitting here like "human bodies are already really inefficient in certain stuff, this is just an extra inefficient"
maaaaaaaannnnn I gotta stop studying late and then reading stuff

Bruh I'm a hater, how are people preferring the rape chapters over a slutty bottom

BubblegumB!tch created a topic of Flashlight

Jesus christ I think his dick is wider than his actual head Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

oh shit lowkey was notexpecting him showing animal characteristics

BubblegumB!tch created a topic of In the Doghouse

*continues refreshing page waiting for update*

"I leave my assets to my beloved children" made me laugh alittle too hard

BubblegumB!tch created a topic of Perfect Body

For some reason I remember the brother getting a dom?? and it was like the friend who was weird idk

this dumb ass bitch
god I hope that the dad has a pathetic moment I want to see that fucker SOB

BubblegumB!tch created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

baaaaabyyy boooooyyyy oh my god T0T

He got his fight or flight activated and thought it was love

UGGHGHHGGH ))):<< I JUST remembered him calling them liars for not coming out to a stranger that was threatening their daily life
bro really caling them liars after the first time they met he went "HEY HEY PEDO! PEDO!" Without asking anything

the idea is so hot, I wish that he wasn't so sad and scared ;-;

Okay, but the fact that he thinks he can just walk into Ten's life and take him away??? What were you expecting? Like you are a bad parent immediately in my eyes if you see a kid calling their parent lovingly "papa" and go "no I'm his blood father therefore I'd be better" like fuck man, just both be in his life, when he's alittle older he can choose to be with you if he'd like, but fucking right now thats his dad, jesus christ

Seeing a kid go "Dear customer, this way" to his step-dad after he's been up all night for a deadline, shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did