its a collection of dark and edgy oneshots. uhh one of the oneshots was where the two are fighting and one of the guys fall down on some art project,, and theres a spike on it so it goes through his head. hes dead so the alive guy dismembers him and keeps him in jars. then he eats him. one day his teeth are very bad because of the shit he ate, and the dead guys teeth are good so he pulls out all his teeth and goes to the dentist with the dead guys teeth and the dentist puts them back. then at the end theres a missing sign of the guy who died. thanks in advance,,

also heres a screenshot if anyone recognizes it ksjsk https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/511231779131097094/611744885074296841/Screenshot_20190724-195409_Samsung_Internet.jpg

it's chapter 6 of this anthology (artist is Shoowa, creator of Iberiko Buta to Koi to Tsubaki)

np! :)

its a webtoon,, there was a crossdresser guy and he had a girlfriend, and people kept mistakening then as a lesbian couple. so they broke up. they were at the mall when it happened so the guy goes to a suit store. the mannequin at the window of the store is an actual person,, and he talks and the crossdresser thinks hes hallucinating. then they meet at school but dont really recognize each other at first

lf manga,, seme and uke went to highschool together. seme is light haired and was fat,, and uke with dark hair bullied him. later in their work lives and seme comes back is buff and handsome,, and he comes to the uke and does bdsm stuff to him as revenge. the cover had like a dark background and the uke had his arms tied and his legs spread,, and the seme was like holding him from behind. thanks

i think it's about like fashion designers or something

its about these two guys who work together. the uke is a janitor? and the seme is the boss or something. the uke is working when he sees the seme leaving the building, and the seme drops a usb. the uke picks it up but is too scared to return it because he's too shy. one day he quickly gives it to him then avoids him from then on, then one day the seme approches him. stuff happens and the uke is at the semes house bc the seme wanted to say thanks, but then the uke starts crying when he tries to speak.
uhh heres a screenshot if it helps https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/511231779131097094/598495784589328385/Screenshot_20190227-162901_Chrome.jpg

i know its a bl and its a webcomic,, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/511231779131097094/597235194507952130/jsjsn.jpg
all i remember happening here is that the dark haired dude was gonna hang himself but then hesitated, then a blond guy broke in through his window. the other guy fell off the stool he was on then the blond runs to catch him
can someone reccomend some japanese romcom bl dramas?? just something funny pls thank you
I’m sure you’ve already seen this one but there’s a not Japanese but Chinese bl tv show called The Untamed and there’s also a Chinese volleyball bl although I don’t remember the name(sorry). They are both on YouTube so you can find a lot of good bl on there!