if Gain will abort the baby ngl it will be sad but that's his right. i just hope he will inform hyeon-oh about the baby before he aborts it

The dude is in a consentual relationship with another man and it is bad not telling your partner about the baby!!
The partner also needs to know 1st so that he could be aware of the situation..
Then you decide to abort or not..
Cause the baby is also his partner's child..
The my body, my choice is not valid when you have a loving partner to hold with and that person is unaware of what is happening..

Calm down. He hasn't even gone through with it, he's only thinking about his options. Yes, what he's doing is in grey morality. Yes, in most cases, the father should know they have a child, and if they're in a committed relationship then it would be a shitty thing to get an abortion without both parties consenting, but it's not illegal to do it anyway. It's his choice whether or not he wants to go through a pregnancy or have a child with this person.

it's not about it been illegal more than it is just a shitty thing to do to your partner. when piss me off is that he was going to do it without even asking his partner. he took the medicine from the doctor too. and that what makes him a shitty prick partner!
does not matter he didn't do it in the end or not, the fact that he was making the decision by himself without even asking his lover is just....god I hate this uke ( ̄∇ ̄")
has I said before - it's not ONLY his choice! NO! it's both of them choice to make!
yow im melting at the extra it's so wholesome