Genuinely started this off just sighing for 45 chapters straight... Until it got REALLY good imo... Definitely worth the read if you can sit through 45 chapters of semi-agony (i was begging Garam to leave him from behind my screen )
Does any1 know if this gets good soon?? Like r they gonna properly communicate at one point? I dont care for ML being toxic as shit i just need those two to talk already
So sad it's completed, but it ended beautifully. Hope they'll maybe give us some side-content like extra chapters... I'm definitely rereading this ALOOOTTT...!!!!
Genuinely started this off just sighing for 45 chapters straight... Until it got REALLY good imo... Definitely worth the read if you can sit through 45 chapters of semi-agony (i was begging Garam to leave him from behind my screen )