Collection of all beautiful female lead and artwork! From face, dresses, and action.
38 photo30 09,2020 created
A collection of both male and female characters that undergo various hardships, breakdowns, sad or happy, loss, and neglect from seen in one picture shows tons of emotion.
33 photo12 04,2021 created
Collection of images that character kiss on another, or acted boldly to their partner and at the same time cute. (*´ω`*)
36 photo30 09,2020 created
My collection of images or comments on a certain page in the manga/hua/hwa showing my frustration with some characters for their ignorance, stupidity, and arrogance.
6 photo29 04,2021 created
Album from a short chapter manga/hua/hwa but a heart warming to read and heals your day. All contain cuteness and fluffiness from various characters. ☆⌒(≧▽° )
14 photo24 04,2021 created