俺と上司のかくしごと つづきのはなし Or The secret of me and my boss the sequel goes on sale today! For someone like me who has been waiting years for this sequel I can’t say that I very happy that the other continued this story. I know there a few that want to see what happens. Again due to respect for the author herself and wanting to support her series hoping to see another one or a drama cd, I will not show raws of the whole book. But will share a few spoilers of the sequel. Someone posted my summary below so I will not post them again. Again please support the author if you can.

For those whose aren’t aware. The author come back to this story 2 years later. In volume 1 she wrote chapter 1-5.5. Then next year wrote a Oneshot for this story which was 5.6, She now return and completed this story.
I for one really loved this story as this is my favorite work from her and wrote to her many times. Sending her drawings, letters etc. to continue this series.
For someone who has read it. I will leave my summaries that I posted awhile ago.
I’m back after reading the final chapter of the story and I will leave a summary. I won’t posted any spoilers due to the constant of the author herself.
Omg. Got my book in for the second chapter and I will leave a summary. Please wait for the officials translation as my Japanese still needs work but I will do my best.
Cover is with Mikado falling asleep on Misaki shoulder on the bus
After hiking in the mountains Misaki makes it to their inn first and is in good spirits. Mikado is out of breathe (due to Misaki’s being into sports and mikado is not)
As they go in to the inn they start changing clothes and Mikado is staring at Misaki. Misaki pulls mikado by the ear and calls him by his first name. (Dirty Junichirou) Mikado is surprised since this is the first time he called him by his name. They look at the poster on the wall and it seems like it’s a unisex bath. Misaki plays around and said he fine as they get in the bath together.
The get in and. Noticed there is no one around and wonders why. When they do Misaki talk with mikado (about couples and such) and Mikado points out that they are a couple as well, and dives in to hold hands in the water. That surprises Misaki and worries that someone will see them. Mikado says it fine because there hand is underwater and they won’t see it anyway. Misaki turns to run away which is stopped by Mikado and kisses him. Misaki tries to stop Mikado from touching him (as someone might see them) and Mikado as why over and over again. Misaki starts to give in but still is afraid what might happen. But gives him to Mikado’s loving and sexy attack. However that it short lived as girls start to pass them and they have to stop.
They go eat and out their robe on, and still to chill out in the room. Misaki tries to talk to mikado but he is too busy looking at his phone, which upsets him. He grabs mikado robe and demands a kiss from Mikado which he obeys. They flip over and Mikado kiss him back and they have a little happy moment together.
Mikado tries to continue where left off in the bath and Misaki gives in only to have Mikado’s phone ring. Misaki tries to grab it but Mikado doesn’t want him to see for some reason and that is a concern. Mikado snatches it away from Misaki and Misaki see a female caller Id on his phone.
Is this a women? Is Mikado already cheating on Misaki. Flabbergasted, Mikado shouts out that it not what he thinks and it had to do with Mey-Chan. Misaki remembers that Mikado sis an idol fanboy and gets depress. And puts back on his robe. And gets a drink of alcohol. Mikado wonders if he is mad? Which angers Misaki and shouts at mikado. They drink up and chill out as Misaki opens the windows to look at the stars. They both head out together and starts talking about stars. Mikado talk about Misaki and him being Leo.
They begin to talk about each other past as Misaki ask mikado who was his first love. Mikado tries to remember and Misaki talk to him about his past about his first love being with his coach. How it felt like being in love. But with Mikado he doesn’t know. Misaki ask again about Mikado first love and Mikado tell him. He also wish that me meet Misaki sooner. Misaki counters that and says even if they did, they wouldn’t get along. (Kind of why they blackmailing each other in the first place) Misaki gets more vulnerable and tells mikado that he loved the things he did. And he tells him that he loved his face.
Mikado is confused but is happy to hear him say that which embarrassed Misaki. Misaki tries to change the subject and make them drink. The go along talking about there past and Mikado brings up Agatsuma-San (Misaki ex.) which Misaki tries to change the subject again.
Mikado brings up Misaki past and he tells him that he jealous. But in the end nothing can change what has happen. That they memories they share are important and he is happy that Misaki fell in love. It starts to get cold outside it time to go in and Mikado grabs Misaki hand. Misaki starts to think about what Mikado said about his memories. And starts to think about Mikado’s memories with his first love. And that is something he doesn’t want to see.
Misaki calls out to Mikado with an emotional look and ask him to kiss him and Mikado does,
But I will leave some tidbits that I didn’t post in the summary.
1. Misaki was running in the mountains (while Mikado told him to wait) this is due to Misaki telling Mikado that he felt like running from some reason.
2. The wall in the bath was lowered so you can see either side (I put unisex bath on accident.) because the water seem to be transparent.
3.During the bath scene. Misaki (in his mind) says “if someone where to see us what will you do?” Ah...I hate this.
4. Mikado’s past is when he talks about stars and Misaki being a Leo apparently he was in the astronomy club.
5. When Misaki talks about his past, he states how it felt like being in love. He also states that when he was told about it being wrong to love man, he tried to love girls properly. When he did, he states that it was a gentle feeling. But that all it was.
6.Mikado ask Misaki that even if they “accident” (drunken sex scene) didn’t happen that would have still been together. Right? Misaki answers by that he already liked him. And says because of his Mikado’s face? Mikado responds by saying “oh? So you liked my face huh? That embarrass Misaki and agrees to mikado’s states which in return he starts grinning even more and laughs.
7.When Misaki gives Mikado a drink he ask Mikado if he already knew that he (mikado) was attractive. Mikado answer yes. And Misaki responds by “well I was popular too?” Mikado says he is highly aware of it, (Misaki was popular with the partners and at the office.) he also states that he was jealous especially with Misaki’ ex.
8.At the end of the chapter Misaki thinks about what mikado said. He then thinks about what kind of girl Mikado is into? Big boobs, Small boobs, do they have to do with why he likes Idols so much?
Chapter 3
Anyway. This chapter is pretty much a happy (sex scene) so it pretty short.
On the cover it shows Misaki sitting in his desk but it seems he is younger. The text say “what is the memories of your first love Mikado?” While in text it says “i was jealous of everything that man loved”
Let’s continue. It starts with both kissing and mostly attacking each other or eating each other. Hungry for one another, Mikado taking the lead calling Misaki cute over and over again which embarrassed misaki. Misaki can’t hang on much longer and takes the instead hopping over mikado.
The happy scene continues on very long for majority of the chapter. While they do a few keys things are pointed out.
Mikado is embarrassed because Misaki said he like his face.
Misaki basically ask Mikado to tell hem he loves him over and over again.
Misaki states everything he loves about Mikado. (He loves all of him)
Near the end, Mikado finally calls Misaki by his first name, Misaki...San.
Misaki torments himself wondering what to do, because everything they just did will be a memory because of much he love mikado.
In the end we get into a dream or vision where Misaki and Mikado are younger and Mikado is telling Misaki to look at the stars. Misaki wants to make a wish and tries to catch a star however every time he does, it statters in his hands. He states that he wish and hoped kamisama (god) will grant him a wish. But his wish can’t come true.
Chapter 4 cover has young Mikado and Misaki together. The title said Anezaki’s anxiety? for the future.
We start with both mikado and Misaki continuing the trip in the mountains.
They are looking at the Scenery as Misaki said the weather feels nice. He glance as Mikado is staring at him, with a smile on his face and he gets closer to Misaki shoulder touching each other.
Misaki gets a little anxious and leaves mikado to go buy a drink. When he returns he see Mikado and takes a photo of him. When he looks at the photo he smiles.
The couple continues on talking about what kind of ice cream they like,they both get different flavors and they try each other ice cream. Mikado licks the ice cream from Misaki hands causing Misaki to get embarrassed. Now Misaki is getting excited. And it feels more like they are lovers.
They continue on, and decided to participate in a race by a swan boat. Mikado once again, catches Misaki off guard and touches his face and mentions short hair. Misaki is confused what he means. Mikado starts ruffling Misaki hair and talks about getting a hair cut. And how Misaki might look nice with short hair. Misaki is still very confused what is going on. And mikado talks about his sister when she had a boyfriend, she would bring him home to cut his hair. We learn that Mikado doesn’t get along with his sister because she is scary. He also states that she is now divorce and has a daughter and lives at home. Mikado talks about Misaki wanting to meet his family. Misaki is still tongue tied and doesn’t know how to respond. (Basically acting like a girl) which in return leaves them silent.
Later Mikado mentions that he had dream about Misaki. Apparently it’s the same dream that Misaki had the night before. In Mikado version is mostly the same as Misaki except he was watching the stars. Mikado goes on about why wanted to grant wishes. You can wish for people feelings. Cause they are your own feelings. If you want things to come true then you have to do it yourself,
Misaki goes deep into thought and talks about the boat. Mikado starts laughing and tells Misaki that he is having fun and this feels like a real date as he grabs his hand and starts laughing and telling him how good this feels.
Mikado starts getting emotional and repeats how much he love this. How much he love mikado. He wonder how can he make Mikado his? What should he do?
On impulse he grabs mikado and kisses him. Mikado is surprised as little Misaki tells him again that he loves him as he is scrambling about what to say at a time like this.
They get interrupted as 2 Girls Drive past them leaving them in 2nd place. They try to go after them but it is too late. They won the prize.mikado shakes it off and he gets Misaki out of the both as they continue to hold hands. He give more advice to Miksaki a meat. He going on talking about that no matter what they are themselves and not to worry what others think.
Misaki reply’s by telling Mikado to come to the mountains again. Next year,to they will walking slowing to the hot springs, they they will win the race. And they will be together. Mikado smiles and say okay to that. As they both laugh together. With Misaki having a smile on his face, with the words mikado tells him in his heart.
Just kidding.
In the springtime mikado is singing and Misaki is with him...with a hair cut! They are moving into a new place together as they are waiting for the truck, on Mikado phones there is a photo with him and Misaki together at the boat race again. There also a letter to them with a 4 leaf clover inside. Mikado looks at Misaki new hair cut and ask him why he cut it. Misaki reply’s does not like it. Mikado kiss him which surprises him as the New neighbors might see them. Mikado laughs it off and still kisses him causing Misaki to get embarrassed even more.
Miksaki later talks about marriage. He talk about if Mikado wants to leave now is the time to do it. He talks about the responsibilities of being together and how he felt all this time about them not making this relationship. Mikado tries to think of something to say at a time lie, this.
“I’ll make you happy?”
Mikado looks at the four leaf clover and talks about what it brings. Luck.
Misaki purposal to Mikado is this.
“Make me happy.”
“And I’ll make you happy”
Mikado gets embarrassed along with Misaki and they both laugh together. Misaki goes on to think about his last and how everything is okay.
They hug each other and Mikado says
“I love you. Let’s be happy.”
Misaki agrees and comments about the truck as he says...the last word.
“Surely....I can be happy.”

After reading the sequel. I got to see I feel more satisfied that the one shot she left back in 2018. I remember writing to her for the first time, wanting, hoping that the will continue the story as she stated that it wasn’t going to be reprinted in volume 1. I continue to write, support as much as I can to the author as she wrote another series called Momo oni that dealt with demon along with Can’t stand any longer that was a spin off to Akihara falls in love which was good. The author comment that the main protagonist in that series is very Similar to Mikado in this series. I never got a letter back from the author, but I did got a comment from her on her Twitter account thanking me for all the drawings and letters I send her. I noticed that reading her last working, there were some similarities to my drawing and situation that I send her in my letter. But this story will always be my favorite. I still want to see more of these two characters but at least with this, I feel like the ending is proper this time. These two characters are very interesting and I want to see more, but I’m glad she decided to go back and write more to this story, of course some people might not like it. (Especially when I see many comment on chapter 4) but anyway. Thank you sensei....for writing this story, the release of the boom has no set date yet.

Alright part two of this final story. And I once again. I will leave a summary. Please don’t ask for me to upload the chapter cause I won’t due to respect of the author. Again. Y Japanese still needs a bit a work, so please wait for the official translation as I present this summary.
Chapter 4 cover has young Mikado and Misaki together. The title said Anezaki’s anxiety? for the future.
We start with both mikado and Misaki continuing the trip in the mountains.
They are looking at the Scenery as Misaki said the weather feels nice. He glance as Mikado is staring at him, with a smile on his face and he gets closer to Misaki shoulder touching each other.
Misaki gets a little anxious and leaves mikado to go buy a drink. When he returns he see Mikado and takes a photo of him. When he looks at the photo he smiles.
The couple continues on talking about what kind of ice cream they like,they both get different flavors and they try each other ice cream. Mikado licks the ice cream from Misaki hands causing Misaki to get embarrassed. Now Misaki is getting excited. And it feels more like they are lovers.
They continue on, and decided to participate in a race by a swan boat. Mikado once again, catches Misaki off guard and touches his face and mentions short hair. Misaki is confused what he means. Mikado starts ruffling Misaki hair and talks about getting a hair cut. And how Misaki might look nice with short hair. Misaki is still very confused what is going on. And mikado talks about his sister when she had a boyfriend, she would bring him home to cut his hair. We learn that Mikado doesn’t get along with his sister because she is scary. He also states that she is now divorce and has a daughter and lives at home. Mikado talks about Misaki wanting to meet his family. Misaki is still tongue tied and doesn’t know how to respond. (Basically acting like a girl) which in return leaves them silent.
Later Mikado mentions that he had dream about Misaki. Apparently it’s the same dream that Misaki had the night before. In Mikado version is mostly the same as Misaki except he was watching the stars. Mikado goes on about why wanted to grant wishes. You can wish for people feelings. Cause they are your own feelings. If you want things to come true then you have to do it yourself,
Misaki goes deep into thought and talks about the boat. Mikado starts laughing and tells Misaki that he is having fun and this feels like a real date as he grabs his hand and starts laughing and telling him how good this feels.
Mikado starts getting emotional and repeats how much he love this. How much he love mikado. He wonder how can he make Mikado his? What should he do?
On impulse he grabs mikado and kisses him. Mikado is surprised as little Misaki tells him again that he loves him as he is scrambling about what to say at a time like this.
They get interrupted as 2 Girls Drive past them leaving them in 2nd place. They try to go after them but it is too late. They won the prize.mikado shakes it off and he gets Misaki out of the both as they continue to hold hands. He give more advice to Miksaki a meat. He going on talking about that no matter what they are themselves and not to worry what others think.
Misaki reply’s by telling Mikado to come to the mountains again. Next year,to they will walking slowing to the hot springs, they they will win the race. And they will be together. Mikado smiles and say okay to that. As they both laugh together. With Misaki having a smile on his face, with the words mikado tells him in his heart.
Just kidding.
In the springtime mikado is singing and Misaki is with him...with a hair cut! They are moving into a new place together as they are waiting for the truck, on Mikado phones there is a photo with him and Misaki together at the boat race again. There also a letter to them with a 4 leaf clover inside. Mikado looks at Misaki new hair cut and ask him why he cut it. Misaki reply’s does not like it. Mikado kiss him which surprises him as the New neighbors might see them. Mikado laughs it off and still kisses him causing Misaki to get embarrassed even more.
Miksaki later talks about marriage. He talk about if Mikado wants to leave now is the time to do it. He talks about the responsibilities of being together and how he felt all this time about them not making this relationship. Mikado tries to think of something to say at a time lie, this.
“I’ll make you happy?”
Mikado looks at the four leaf clover and talks about what it brings. Luck.
Misaki purposal to Mikado is this.
“Make me happy.”
“And I’ll make you happy”
Mikado gets embarrassed along with Misaki and they both laugh together. Misaki goes on to think about his last and how everything is okay.
They hug each other and Mikado says
“I love you. Let’s be happy.”
Misaki agrees and comments about the truck as he says...the last word.
“Surely....I can be happy.”

Thank you.

I’m back after reading the final chapter of the story and I will leave a summary. I won’t posted any spoilers due to the constant of the author herself.
Omg. Got my book in for the second chapter and I will leave a summary. Please wait for the officials translation as my Japanese still needs work but I will do my best.
Cover is with Mikado falling asleep on Misaki shoulder on the bus
After hiking in the mountains Misaki makes it to their inn first and is in good spirits. Mikado is out of breathe (due to Misaki’s being into sports and mikado is not)
As they go in to the inn they start changing clothes and Mikado is staring at Misaki. Misaki pulls mikado by the ear and calls him by his first name. (Dirty Junichirou) Mikado is surprised since this is the first time he called him by his name. They look at the poster on the wall and it seems like it’s a unisex bath. Misaki plays around and said he fine as they get in the bath together.
The get in and. Noticed there is no one around and wonders why. When they do Misaki talk with mikado (about couples and such) and Mikado points out that they are a couple as well, and dives in to hold hands in the water. That surprises Misaki and worries that someone will see them. Mikado says it fine because there hand is underwater and they won’t see it anyway. Misaki turns to run away which is stopped by Mikado and kisses him. Misaki tries to stop Mikado from touching him (as someone might see them) and Mikado as why over and over again. Misaki starts to give in but still is afraid what might happen. But gives him to Mikado’s loving and sexy attack. However that it short lived as girls start to pass them and they have to stop.
They go eat and out their robe on, and still to chill out in the room. Misaki tries to talk to mikado but he is too busy looking at his phone, which upsets him. He grabs mikado robe and demands a kiss from Mikado which he obeys. They flip over and Mikado kiss him back and they have a little happy moment together.
Mikado tries to continue where left off in the bath and Misaki gives in only to have Mikado’s phone ring. Misaki tries to grab it but Mikado doesn’t want him to see for some reason and that is a concern. Mikado snatches it away from Misaki and Misaki see a female caller Id on his phone.
Is this a women? Is Mikado already cheating on Misaki. Flabbergasted, Mikado shouts out that it not what he thinks and it had to do with Mey-Chan. Misaki remembers that Mikado sis an idol fanboy and gets depress. And puts back on his robe. And gets a drink of alcohol. Mikado wonders if he is mad? Which angers Misaki and shouts at mikado. They drink up and chill out as Misaki opens the windows to look at the stars. They both head out together and starts talking about stars. Mikado talk about Misaki and him being Leo.
They begin to talk about each other past as Misaki ask mikado who was his first love. Mikado tries to remember and Misaki talk to him about his past about his first love being with his coach. How it felt like being in love. But with Mikado he doesn’t know. Misaki ask again about Mikado first love and Mikado tell him. He also wish that me meet Misaki sooner. Misaki counters that and says even if they did, they wouldn’t get along. (Kind of why they blackmailing each other in the first place) Misaki gets more vulnerable and tells mikado that he loved the things he did. And he tells him that he loved his face.
Mikado is confused but is happy to hear him say that which embarrassed Misaki. Misaki tries to change the subject and make them drink. The go along talking about there past and Mikado brings up Agatsuma-San (Misaki ex.) which Misaki tries to change the subject again.
Mikado brings up Misaki past and he tells him that he jealous. But in the end nothing can change what has happen. That they memories they share are important and he is happy that Misaki fell in love. It starts to get cold outside it time to go in and Mikado grabs Misaki hand. Misaki starts to think about what Mikado said about his memories. And starts to think about Mikado’s memories with his first love. And that is something he doesn’t want to see.
Misaki calls out to Mikado with an emotional look and ask him to kiss him and Mikado does,
But I will leave some tidbits that I didn’t post in the summary.
1. Misaki was running in the mountains (while Mikado told him to wait) this is due to Misaki telling Mikado that he felt like running from some reason.
2. The wall in the bath was lowered so you can see either side (I put unisex bath on accident.) because the water seem to be transparent.
3.During the bath scene. Misaki (in his mind) says “if someone where to see us what will you do?” Ah...I hate this.
4. Mikado’s past is when he talks about stars and Misaki being a Leo apparently he was in the astronomy club.
5. When Misaki talks about his past, he states how it felt like being in love. He also states that when he was told about it being wrong to love man, he tried to love girls properly. When he did, he states that it was a gentle feeling. But that all it was.
6.Mikado ask Misaki that even if they “accident” (drunken sex scene) didn’t happen that would have still been together. Right? Misaki answers by that he already liked him. And says because of his Mikado’s face? Mikado responds by saying “oh? So you liked my face huh? That embarrass Misaki and agrees to mikado’s states which in return he starts grinning even more and laughs.
7.When Misaki gives Mikado a drink he ask Mikado if he already knew that he (mikado) was attractive. Mikado answer yes. And Misaki responds by “well I was popular too?” Mikado says he is highly aware of it, (Misaki was popular with the partners and at the office.) he also states that he was jealous especially with Misaki’ ex.
8.At the end of the chapter Misaki thinks about what mikado said. He then thinks about what kind of girl Mikado is into? Big boobs, Small boobs, do they have to do with why he likes Idols so much?
Chapter 3
Anyway. This chapter is pretty much a happy (sex scene) so it pretty short.
On the cover it shows Misaki sitting in his desk but it seems he is younger. The text say “what is the memories of your first love Mikado?” While in text it says “i was jealous of everything that man loved”
Let’s continue. It starts with both kissing and mostly attacking each other or eating each other. Hungry for one another, Mikado taking the lead calling Misaki cute over and over again which embarrassed misaki. Misaki can’t hang on much longer and takes the instead hopping over mikado.
The happy scene continues on very long for majority of the chapter. While they do a few keys things are pointed out.
Mikado is embarrassed because Misaki said he like his face.
Misaki basically ask Mikado to tell hem he loves him over and over again.
Misaki states everything he loves about Mikado. (He loves all of him)
Near the end, Mikado finally calls Misaki by his first name, Misaki...San.
Misaki torments himself wondering what to do, because everything they just did will be a memory because of much he love mikado.
In the end we get into a dream or vision where Misaki and Mikado are younger and Mikado is telling Misaki to look at the stars. Misaki wants to make a wish and tries to catch a star however every time he does, it statters in his hands. He states that he wish and hoped kamisama (god) will grant him a wish. But his wish can’t come true.

Got my copy in as as promised as will leave s summary. Again I will not post pictures due to the consent of the author herself. And please wait for official translations for this story.
Anyway. This chapter is pretty much a happy (sex scene) so it pretty short.
On the cover it shows Misaki sitting in his desk but it seems he is younger. The text say “what is the memories of your first love Mikado?” While in text it says “i was jealous of everything that man loved”
Let’s continue. It starts with both kissing and mostly attacking each other or eating each other. Hungry for one another, Mikado taking the lead calling Misaki cute over and over again which embarrassed misaki. Misaki can’t hang on much longer and takes the instead hopping over mikado.
The happy scene continues on very long for majority of the chapter. While they do a few keys things are pointed out.
Mikado is embarrassed because Misaki said he like his face.
Misaki basically ask Mikado to tell hem he loves him over and over again.
Misaki states everything he loves about Mikado. (He loves all of him)
Near the end, Mikado finally calls Misaki by his first name, Misaki...San.
Misaki torments himself wondering what to do, because everything they just did will be a memory because of much he love mikado.
In the end we get into a dream or vision where Misaki and Mikado are younger and Mikado is telling Misaki to look at the stars. Misaki wants to make a wish and tries to catch a star however every time he does, it statters in his hands. He states that he wish and hoped kamisama (god) will grant him a wish. But his wish can’t come true.
Next chapter won’t be next month the author stated. Also she drew a New Years picture with both Mikado and Misaki along with 2 other characters from her last work (can’t stand any more) so happy new year. I upload it, here. I believe the author states that she already working on the last chapter for this story. Let’s see what happens.
Thank you.

Last chapter was release. Kind of sad to see these series end. Both the author and artist tweeted about the collaboration for 3 years. Final volume comes out in January. Author did the artwork for the magazine and it very cute. I won’t spoil the ending but it a good ending. Another “happy scene” was shown though. Can’t wait for the English release.

Yes they are. I purchase it and was able to read it on kindle.

I read this a long time ago and fell in love with this manga. I ended up buying it for a friend. And she enjoyed it. There’s also a drama Cd to this as well. I decided to write a letter to the author and told her how much I love this story. Was years ago. Finally this year, I got a reply from her and she wrote in English. I follow her on twitter and found out there’s a live action movie to this as well. Can’t wait to watch it,

Awww. ありがとうございました. Thank you for your comment. It’s always fun to find out that an author took the time to reply even during their busy schedule
People need to calm down about the female lead. People were complaining about another story called happy marriage female lead as well. Read the plot as this is a character that is very negative about herself. I know a few people re like this and apparently the author was inspired from her friend. There are people that act like this. The male lead takes noticed and bluntly tells her that. But in return helps her grow. Might be a bit frustrating at first but in later volumes, mostly in volume 4 she changes. It not easy to be self confident. The the male lead is bi btw and even he isn’t prefect either. I’m on volume 9 and it great series, just give it some room to grow.