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Hinaru77 July 14, 2024 8:21 am

People need to calm down about the female lead. People were complaining about another story called happy marriage female lead as well. Read the plot as this is a character that is very negative about herself. I know a few people re like this and apparently the author was inspired from her friend. There are people that act like this. The male lead takes noticed and bluntly tells her that. But in return helps her grow. Might be a bit frustrating at first but in later volumes, mostly in volume 4 she changes. It not easy to be self confident. The the male lead is bi btw and even he isn’t prefect either. I’m on volume 9 and it great series, just give it some room to grow.

Hinaru77 May 10, 2021 1:00 am

俺と上司のかくしごと つづきのはなし Or The secret of me and my boss the sequel goes on sale today! For someone like me who has been waiting years for this sequel I can’t say that I very happy that the other continued this story. I know there a few that want to see what happens. Again due to respect for the author herself and wanting to support her series hoping to see another one or a drama cd, I will not show raws of the whole book. But will share a few spoilers of the sequel. Someone posted my summary below so I will not post them again. Again please support the author if you can.



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Hi. Artist, gamer and anime fan. Studying Japanese

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