I really don't like where the novel going, she basically jump from a trap to another deeper one ,sight i feel she's going to die again or bad ending , why she can't get happiness ever
Hhhhhh poor duke he can't keep up with her modern girl's are cruel
I latterly shied tears poor Nana , there's a lot of kids like her
He's inner thought so funny
Poor girl she's going to had a very bad time , i was reading the novel and it was really harsh on her aohhhh
The worst is She got mental illness Stockholm syndrome
yep that's the real problem
Omg! İt doesn't seem she has now . İs she will torture again? How it will be end? Why she is that unlucky!!
What woman like ? Sir no one could answer that question...mmmm for no reason of course
He's like switch on switch off all the time that's so funny , y'll understand what I mean next chapter
Why i was hoping that's what will happen ( ̄∇ ̄")
I like it , keep waiting for the next ch
I really don't like where the novel going, she basically jump from a trap to another deeper one ,sight i feel she's going to die again or bad ending , why she can't get happiness ever