At this point this son of a bitch will have to save about 50 cats, donate about 20 tons of food to Africa, create a law that saves the planet from pollution for me to think about liking him and even after all that I would still think he's a detestable person, good lucky author.
Num-num baby of the year! He's about to do, he’s about to do and he’s about to show what the other girls(babys) shoulda did.
Imagine working all your life and finally when you reach retirement with a combination of disorders and illness the company still gives you a new job, I would kill myself. I almost forgot, he died and was reincarnated and will have to work again.
And when jj leave to german and leo start listen stay with me in bed. We are only on 18 chapter i fear the author is cooking
I started reading it casually and didn't expect to enjoy it so much at the end. The relationship between the two was well crafted and nothing seemed forced, in the voice of fantano i'm felling 5 stars on this one...
The Blonde hair of mc needs hydration, it has lost some of the glow from last chapters
And he did it again! Let's see the next adventure of asscop against the crime
He's so disgusting, I can't accept that fact MC was in love with this pedophile rat. Love is really blind omg!
I have the impression that the author wants to
make lister the ending game trying to force some scenes to sound cute or funny and it just makes me even angrier. Look, I hit you, I humiliated you, but guest what? I love you!in the words of regina georgie the queen herself: Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen!
Medicine for a bitch, it' an even badder bitch. He Show her who is the supreme one, hot twinks shit
Is it just me, or the chapters are really long?
it's been so long since I've seen a bl with chapters this long...
not that I'm complaining, or anithing I actually like it is just an observation