Sorry, guys. Probably an unpopular opinion but I don't like how Cheng Cheng is carrying out the revenge.
First off, I feel like Ci Nian should have more control over what happens because it's his revenge story. If I remember correctly, Ci Nian himself wanted to handle the "counterattack" himself and I would agree since it'll be more satisfactory to see the victim reign supreme and get justice for everything that's been done to him.
Second, I think this recent revenge tactic is going too far. Cheng Cheng endangered another life (the pink haired girl tho she was kinda homophobic), and could have endangered even more if there were more people on the road. Also, threatening that minion's family (especially the young son! What if the was Wowo!) was really low. I can understand it as a bluff, but I'm doubting it.
Third, this tactic is not really hitting all the revenge points of karma and repercussions I expected. I liked Ci Nian's approach of exposing Xi Nian's truly manipulative and evil nature. During those times, Xi Nian truly got what was coming for him.
But getting drugged? Being set up for a car accident in a drunk driving incident? Having his face mutilated? Losing a leg? Almost dying then waking up to find you are less of a person (physically. I'm shocked his leg got amputated. That's actually really sad)?
Xi Nian himself is a murder. He's a terrible manipulative brat. With all the bad things he's done, something bad is bound to come back for him, but not this way. Not with these low blows stripping him his humanity. Instead it would have been better to strip away his mask bit by bit to reveal the monster underneath.
If Xi Nian had died at that point, he would have "simply" died as a scandalous and reckless heir. He would have died without realizing how scummy of a person he really was and neither would the public or people around him know what he really was.
Idk, sorry long rant, but what I really want to see in this revenge plan is to have everyone know what crimes Xi Nian committed and for Ci Nian and him to meet, letting Xi Nian realize that he lost. That all his evil tactics caused him to lose in the end. I want to see Ci Nian smirk in satisfaction that there is sweet justice served.
I don't want that justice to be tainted by more blood.
Ci Nian and Cheng are supposed to be the good guys, but it's hard to root for them like this. The revenge is no longer as sweet. It's kinda bitter.

Too be honest I also wanted another type of revenge. Like I bet Xi Nian will be put in a mental hospital or something. I would rather have him suffer hell in jail. But still this revenge is kinda the fastest cause legal stuff can take longer to be processed. Plus I think that using the minions son was only to pressure him and not actually do something to the kid but who knows. All I can say is that I agree that I would like another type of revenge but this is better than nothing.

Yeah I agree with this statement so much. I want them to meet tbh and that Nian can show his brother he is still alive. Like I can show a little bit of mercy to Nian's brother but that it cause he deserved it.
Although yeah it would be much better, but I get it cause Cheng is worried bout Nian, so I can get that. So this story is still good, just some little changes would make it even better!

I had my suspicions that that "good" auntie was kinda shady because she just didn't vibe with me. Like it felt like she was purposefully playing along with her siblings even though it was pretty passive, and this chapter she felt even more off all the way up to the reveal. I was still rooting for her tho becuase there gotta be a good adult in that fam, right?
Anyways, she's crazy. Like wtf does she have to kill the plant like that?? While her siblings are just as evil, she is definitely a dangerous person.
But if anything, I am so excited for Yi Yi and Feng Feng to get together and flip the switch on everyone! Feel smart while you can. You'll be proven to be fools soon.

If you do it during a head and conception is practically a for sure thing, then why no babies?
Also, loved this fic! I love how Deku asked for a bond bite just so he could be more focused on becoming a hero! And I love how Deku fought back when he felt like he needed to! A lot of fics don't do that, so it's nice to see him on some more equal footing with Kacchan.

I literally had a similar experience when i was like 6. I saw a kid sitting by himself at the ice skating rink benches who looked lonely and I was super persistent about being his friend and keeping him company because he looked lonely. But he didn't talk to me and was acting cold, so I thought he didn't speak the same language, so I tried testing whatever languages I knew and scooting closer to him until my guardians came to pick me up. There's stuff in between, but when i got much older, there's this new "cool" boy and he and I became rivals in a way. Always bickering but we also had a lot of chemistry and was usually found next to each other despite being opposites. One day, I was talking with his sister, and she said that they weren't originally from america (which is what I thought) and that they moved when that guy was like 7. When he was 7, I was 6. When he was 7, he didnt know a lot of english. So I asked her if they happened to go to an ice skating rink when they came here. And they did! The kid from the rink and the one boy I knew now were the same person!

Amid all the drama, the flowers Feng brought for Yi Yun are crazy beautiful! I literally stopped reading for a few minutes just to admire the bouquet. Like the soft pinkness and the way they softly glow against the green and wrapping paper is so pretty! Also, the way that Yi Yun laughed when they made the Space Traveler Announcement was so adorable! I love these three so much as friends and co workers!

Yess, king! I love this increase in productivity! It's so sexy; keep at it!!! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Well if it's hot, it's hot! So nothing wrong in enjoying some smut in a smutty comic ;)))
But for me, personally, I get more excited about plot developments especially since this is an isekai and my main source of entertainment from this genre is the satisfaction of fixing things. So I'm glad that Kenneth is being a productive MC, but it's still a smut so I can't really complain too much if there's a string of sex scenes in consecutive chapters.
Btw, if I misread your comment, sorry! The emojis on my device is sometimes different from what was originally sent
There are no babies in this story! I want to see the children!!! Like, yeah, they did give us babies technically, but I want some from our mcs that isnt like the pervious ones where they all ended tragically and was kinda brushed off as "oh no! anyways..." kinda things.