Very Dramatic Fangirl's feed

Nah, tbh I understand why y'all said talk to the father but did yall really think it'd be that easy??? Didn't yall read during imperial studies: A ruler must SEEM benevolent and considering the way the emperor kept his silence while the previous empress and son went through all that crap, do you really think his ways would be the ending Sina REALLY wants???

She wants everyone to be happy: To live. Granted there would still be resentment b/w the eldest son and the emperor but at least they'd be alive.

I 100% bet if she told her dad, he'd do some shady shit like threaten or ctrl the prince. And what would happen when the prince gets out of ctrl?? Game over. Not too mention the emperor's silence means being in support of his daughter, which, in turn, his supporters also support her. And don't forget her mother's supporters.

Plus, I'd reckon there's probably missing details of the marriage b/w the emperor and previous empress (especially with that crazy af sister of hers, why the heck did she do an uprising agaisnt her nephew???). And don't forget the weird magic crap that the prince had surrounding him after he hurt his hand.

Aaaannnnywaaays, there's still plot we still don't know yet, but for now, Sina is trying to build what she can with uwu puppy Ravi and mend what she can with hissing, edgy, glaring cat older bro. If she went to talk to her father, then that would mean shifting the political sphere and civil unrest is NOT it when it seems like war is upon them.

Does this make any sense?? Idk I'm tired af gn