Hmm, the story is well done and the two main leads are complex rather than flat, which is the bare minimum.
The authors establishment of high society is also well done.
However, if you're going to do this world building of the plot and characters, the resolution (from the spoilers dropped in the comments) is pretty lack luster.
I'd come back to re-read it but more often than not the webtoon will follow the novel. So my rating is a 4/10.
Average story and a good way to past time. There's a plethora of historical webtoons, but that means formulas are the same but slightly tweaked. The only thing that stands out here is how rational Adele is, but given the author's plan for her, it's not worth mentioning.
A truly outstanding story would go against the grain. Considering the lack of romance tag, I had slight expectations but it seems the story won't meet or exceed it.
Tldr: Just good.

To summarize, it's like watching a bunch of kids with too much power go and wreck havoc because the adults are crazy, incompetent, or have been tossed aside by the author.
The FL is written poorly. To promote the "plot" the author forces her to deal with that silver haired saintess valentine or whatever and makes every villain so...so dumb. That in turn, makes the FL idiotic too. The choices she makes are questionable. Her growth is minimal too (we can see why, refer back to sentence 1)
Just mentioning the major things that stand out. Wasted enough of my time. Don't waste yours.
She's....not very bright and the plot somehow works out in this life time. Basically, logic is dead.
Based on her upbringing, its expected, but the way the story presents itself, it's seems like she's regressed so many times without ever learning or finding clues until now.
It leaves so many questions and the fact that the world building for the 4 guardian families just emphasizes those questions: after the first few deaths, why did she always think it was an accident? That doesn't make any sense. Why did she not ask her retainers? She's literally in a position of power and literally HAS power to read people's minds. I-