Does anyone have PDFs of these books? The links on the last page don't work and, as much as I want to support the author, the dollar is way too expensive in my country and, additionally, I refuse to give money to Amazon

You can buy the books at a more reasonable price via kindle as well and I’ve seen YouTube read-throughs of the books which one can listen to I believe for free. Also, if you just Google the Thirds Series and the author, Charlie Cochet, she has a website where you can get a preview (first chapter) of each of her books and even order them off there. I don’t condone the whole process of illegally laundering the books via pdf, but I can say the entire series was worth the money in my opinion. I’m actually anxiously awaiting the newest series of Dex and Sloane that still has yet to come out. Fingers crossed.

This link has like 4 pages of all of Charlie Cochet's works. I've read ALL her books. Jot just the THIRDS stuff. It's free to download all you need is to install epub reader or something similar on your phone, tablet etc.
This is a link to her website, it's helpful if you want the correct reading order or just want to know about her other stuff.

Ngl I think Yanase needs to grow up. I relate a lot to Kaneda and his passion for his career. A little bit of "Oh, I miss you" is fine but... Yanase seems obsessed with Kaneda here, like... his thoughts consist of nothing but him to the point that he is insecure when he doesn't see the same obsession portrayed by Kaneda. The idea of someone that becomes extremely insecure over that and tells their partner to to 'shut up' when they express concerns is.. in my opinion.. really unattractive and gross!
I'm so confused LMAO
Something bad happens if he kisses his partner. They were doing fine till he kissed his boyfriend, now he's engaged to some woman. Though I don't really think it's a jinx. It's just that the guys he was with were jerks lol.