I'm so confused, was he not answering him? Did he not like the answer or is the answer to vague for him?

I think it’s the vagueness. I think he overreacted but i can see his train of thought. he wanted more details like where he met those people and what their relation to them is. “people i know” could mean anything at all. then, there was the part where he disappeared from school for a while and didn’t really explain himself properly. i think people have different love languages and gunjoon just needs more reassurance than he’s been given.

I think it's him giving Dan problems, but I also think it's less about him and more about his grandmother. I feel like he's already grieving her and can't accept that she may leave him.

No seriously I really think a lot of his turmoil isn’t even the whole Jaekyung ordeal, he started grieving his grandma the second she got ill and he knew he couldn’t do anything about it. I feel so bad for him and hope Jaekyung can start making a real effort now that he’s seeing how terrible Dan is doing

May this type of love never find me!!! Why would you waste her time like that??

Right??? This is what I'm curious about! Like how can u be in a relationship cause you're just thankful for that person. Relationship is a thing but MARRIAGE? It's on another level. How can u marry a person you didn't even love and act like you love them cause that's what the person want. Iseon is batshit crazy. Crazier than sojeong tbh

I literally hate them both at same lvl if one loved her out of obligation than other took advantage of his dedication to the point she started to think its her right to receive all that without giving bare minimum she can hurt him as much as she wants but he aill come back and bitch literally used "but u love me" to remind him how powerless he is even when she acts toxic
Sorry buddy you're too late!!