KissMeDarkly's feed

This was a lot better before it was known that Iris is Alice's reincarnation. It just seems... so forced. Like, he was never interested in her as Alice when he was Dean, and I mean, I get it. He was an immortal being who was going to live long after her, and he didn't want to ruin the future of a seven year old, or have to grieve forever after she died. But once he reincarnated, where did his sudden obsession with her come from? It seemed like he was only interested in what happened to her after his death as Dean. It was weird. Sure, he was curious about the others, but not to the same degree. He wasn't going to go so far out of his way to find their descendants. Just hers. It just made no sense to me and seemed so incredibly forced. Even now, he doesn't seem like he's "in love" with her, he seems like he's just going along with marrying her to keep her safe as a promise to Lyle and Remilia.

I liked the story so much more before and just wish they'd kept it as it was. Everything just felt so forced and unnecessary. Now, he doesn't even see her as "Iris" and only as "Alice." Even she doesn't know who she is. It's just.... dumb.

He has the cutest familiars, though. All the bats and Remy. So cuuute!