KissMeDarkly July 24, 2020 11:51 pm

I feel like I just read something from Araya Miki. It was hilarious and stupid at the same time, I loved it.

KissMeDarkly July 5, 2020 6:24 pm

Y'know, there's something that's always bothered me about mangas with weddings. Are weddings such a secretive thing in Japan that close family members, such as the children in case of remarriages like here, don't find out about it until the literal day off, or even after it's already happened? I keep reading it in these mangas, (usually) mom comes and is like, "I'm getting remarried!" Kids go "Cool! When?" "Tomorrow!" Eh????

According to the summary of this story, Yuuma comes home from his part-time job to hear from some rando dude that their parents got married. Like, when did that happen? That day, during his job? While he was working? I'd be so confused on so many levels. When did my mom meet someone new? When did it blossom into love? AND WHY THE F**K WASN'T I INVITED TO THE WEDDING??

A wedding, at least here in America, takes months of planning and is a huuuuge deal, even strangers on the street are hearing about it. Are they really just something not talked about or mentioned, at all, in Japan?

    Azunyan July 5, 2020 7:21 pm

    I think because it ‘s manga like i dont really know much but my cousin married to a japanese and it seems that they are taking the marriage seriously just like any other weddings but yeah this is what i only know maybe someone who lives there might give the answer we need because i also curious about it

KissMeDarkly May 24, 2020 6:54 am

It's so cute, but I really wanted Hatoyama to apologize to Hitsuji for basically telling him he's not part of their family that time Hinata went missing. Sure, later he said sensei is their family, but it just got glossed over when he said he wasn't. That look on sensei's face broke my heart that time, and I wanted him to speak up for himself, but he never did. And no apology later either! Otherwise, it was such a cute story!

On the other hand, I know a grandma who'd forever lose all visitation rights if it had been my kid who she basically tried to kidnap. >_<

KissMeDarkly April 3, 2020 10:11 pm

Tokio had said he was fine with either topping or bottoming, whichever Yuki wanted to go with, and while it never showed them on-screen changing it up, I wonder if they ever do. I like to think they do. This is my headcanon. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Also, NOOO! Nacchan's haaair! It was so pretty long!

KissMeDarkly March 27, 2020 5:56 am

I'm a bit late to the party, but I was confused about something and had to ask. The way Usato described his healing punch, he heals all the damage he inflicts as he deals it, leaving only pain to build and accumulate until the body can't take anymore and passes out. So then, why did the Black Knight girl still have so much extensive damage? Shouldn't that have been healed the instant it happened? Did I miss something?

    fargos March 31, 2020 6:30 pm

    Well because the black armour reflects damage to attacker and since Usato uses healing, there are no damage to reflect. I don't remember in were but I think it was said in previuos chapters that demons can't use healing magic or smth like that. :) The armour also depends on psychological condition of the owner and since that demon felt pain she couldn't consentrate properly to maintain her defence.

    kiltouangel April 15, 2020 12:19 am

    I think it means that the wound is healed but not the pain associated with it... that's what I thought anyway

    KissMeDarkly April 15, 2020 2:27 pm

    That's what I was asking. His healing punch heals all wounds. So why was she so wounded? Demons can't use healing magic, but it can still be used on them, they can still benefit from it. Felm has it used on her all the time. I'ma just chalk this up to author error, and leave it at that I guess.

    Ka-Blam May 5, 2020 6:40 am

    I think it was because her magic only reflects damage to the armor. However, because Usato heals his own wounds constantly, the magic couldn't be reflected onto him, and she was hit through her armor. And armor isn't a living thing, so Usato can't heal it. Usato was damaging the armor, and she was getting hurt through the armor because the magic wasn't reflecting the damage. (I think anyway.)

    Sillybookworm May 22, 2020 10:27 pm

    Hmmmm... I think because Usato is using healing magic on himself he isn't affected by the armor that reflects attacks. As to the demon accumulating damage, it's because Usato concentrated mana on his first and since the armor natural weakness is healing magic, they cancel each other's effect (the demon's armor's backlash and Usato's healing). Since the healing is canceled, what's left is his physical strength which is by no means human, therefore, the demon is naturally wounded. And also since no one really noticed that she's wounded because she activates her armor whenever there's people around when she was captured, it just got worse since her internal organs might have been damaged because of Usato's punch. But since demons are tougher she didn't die in the end.

    That's what I think anyway. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    SolracXV June 8, 2020 12:01 am

    Simple, Usato's healing magic gets reflected when he uses it on her ('cause of her power). So to say, she got hit by Usato's monstrous punch directly since the healing and the armor nulled each other.

KissMeDarkly January 17, 2020 10:48 pm

Kind of scared me, to be honest. Not only did it seem to have a GPS tracker in it, but also a listening device so Renji could hear everything Haru and those close to him said. But the part that truly scared me was that it seemed to be fingerprint locked, so that if Haru had not chosen Renji, it couldn't ever be removed, at least not easily. He would never have been able to take another mate so long as that collar was fixed around his neck, almost like an artificial bite mark. Maybe to some people, but for me personally, that does not scream romantic. But overall, I liked the story and was glad Haru ended up with Renji, I just hope his more extreme possessive qualities cool down some in the future, or else I'd worry for Haru's future.

I also felt kinda sorry for Eiji's fiance at first, until he nearly had Haru gang raped and force mated. I mean, his fiance was cheating on him, "playing with a pet" he thought that whole time. No one would be happy to know that their boyfriend is seeing someone else on the side. He had my sympathy until he pulled his shit, then I hoped Renji actually followed through on his threat. Sorry, he lost all my sympathy. He and Eiji deserve each other.

    harrypottpott January 18, 2020 8:53 am

    The GPS Tracker was to much, but what really makes me anxious is the cage metaphor? Did he literally lock him up???

KissMeDarkly December 5, 2019 11:32 am

I haven't read this, but every time I see it, I can't help but think the guy on the cover looks like the love child between Sinbad and Judar from Magi.

KissMeDarkly November 25, 2019 12:22 am

I made it through 8 chapters, and from what the other commenters say, it just keeps going downhill. I'm not wasting any more of my time on this. The seme is a piece of crap, and the uke should have beat the shit out of him.

    207 December 7, 2019 1:53 am

    What- Did we read the same manga?

    アレクサ December 27, 2019 11:39 am

    What the he'll are you talking about? Read the whole thing for fuck's sake!

    アレクサ December 27, 2019 11:39 am

    What the hell are you talking about? Read the whole thing for fuck's sake!

    elemele January 3, 2020 2:21 am

    I agree. I made the mistake of listening to people saying I should read it all before judging, but the truth is NOTHING changes. Seme gets his way because he's the same and uke is okay with it because... hell knows why, he just is.

    207 January 3, 2020 6:05 am
    I agree. I made the mistake of listening to people saying I should read it all before judging, but the truth is NOTHING changes. Seme gets his way because he's the same and uke is okay with it because... hell k... elemele

    That was no mistake. You're saying you'd judge a book by it's cover. And honestly your example wasn't enough proof. A lot of yaoi mangas out there are "seme gets his way and uke is okay with it" People like you two really need to reflect more. The story is just realistic. You expect actual rl to just have a relationship where everything single thing is fine at first? No. You go through hardships as well. The seme got his way because he didn't give up on the uke. The uke is okay with it because he loves him. It's called love. Try it some time.

    elemele January 3, 2020 6:42 am
    That was no mistake. You're saying you'd judge a book by it's cover. And honestly your example wasn't enough proof. A lot of yaoi mangas out there are "seme gets his way and uke is okay with it" People like you... 207

    No, it is a mistake because I read the whole story and it was horrible. I know many stories are like that and I hate every single one of them. I like stories where people wait for consent. I sometimes forgive stories that start without consent but then characters realize they did something wrong and regret it. There's nothing realistic with picturing manipulative selfish douchebag as romantic. The idea that everything is allowed to get the person you want is as far removed from love as it can possibly be.

    207 January 3, 2020 7:17 am
    No, it is a mistake because I read the whole story and it was horrible. I know many stories are like that and I hate every single one of them. I like stories where people wait for consent. I sometimes forgive s... elemele

    Oh. I see. You have in your head that every single love is pure. It's a new year now, being in the LBGT+ community isn't going to be "weird" to most people anymore." If you're not male and you've never experienced something like this I'd say you have no say. But yaoi is fiction, it is meant to satisfy our fujoshi minds. Not everything on yaoi will be real. They are so many straight guys saying being gay is weird and wrong and a gay person would always attack a straight person. Now, yaoi is completely different than rl, picturing a manipulative selfish douchebag as romantic is fine. Because...if you believe in "love" and all that the fact that your love is what can change then isn't such a bad thing. And yes, it is completely realistic because guess what, humans are terrible creatures."The idea that everything is allowed to get the person you want is as far removed from love as it can possibly be." It isn't removed from love, at all. Because you're saying you'd do anything for the person and you just need to prove that to them. Though there is no need to go overboard. Smh, I keep looking at your first line and it's really bothering me. It was not a mistake. You just read this and saw it as horrible. But yet you still have the time to stay on its' page and prove some useless point. Like I said, it was no mistake. Unless you really are one of those people who judges a person by looks. I honestly couldn't care less about your opinion but the fact that you don't like the manga and actually had the audacity to just comment immature stuff about it annoyed me. Unless you can sit down, and write a better story while being famous and getting all insecure because your fans are rushing you, don't just be that person who judges the book by its' cover. I personally write for fun and I've showed my friends some of my stories, they always rush me and because I just want to hear their comments I end up rushing my story and when I read it over I absolutely hate it. So seriously, it's not that I'm telling you that having your own opinion is wrong or anything, but if you don't like something don't comment stuff like that on it. Your telling other people it's "horrible" but other people aren't you. They are entirely different because I definitely enjoyed this manga. The only thing I hate was the uke's boss because he just went along with everything that happened.

    elemele January 4, 2020 2:38 am
    Oh. I see. You have in your head that every single love is pure. It's a new year now, being in the LBGT+ community isn't going to be "weird" to most people anymore." If you're not male and you've never experien... 207

    I never thought there's anything weird in LGBT+ but if you claim there's a letter in there for non-consensual then I guess I should abord ship. I mean, honestly, what are you even talking about? What's your point? You say I can have my opinion but I can't voice it? Why? I never said anything wrong about people who have a particular kink that makes stories like that enjoyable. I just want all those who are into different kind of things to be fairly warned that this story is not for them. I wish someone did it for me. You say yaoi exists to satisfy fujoshi's mind. I agree. And I'm a fujoshi. And this doesn't satisfy me. You can throw a tantrum as much as you want but it remains a fact. Yes, other people aren't me. They aren't you either. So my opinion and your opinion is equally valid. Other people are different in their tastes just like you and me obviously are. So I can't understand what exactly makes you so sure you have the right to say whatever crap you want and I'm not allowed to.

    elemele January 4, 2020 2:39 am
    I never thought there's anything weird in LGBT+ but if you claim there's a letter in there for non-consensual then I guess I should abord ship. I mean, honestly, what are you even talking about? What's your poi... elemele

    obviously I meant "abandon ship" not "abord", sorry.

    207 January 4, 2020 4:09 am
    I never thought there's anything weird in LGBT+ but if you claim there's a letter in there for non-consensual then I guess I should abord ship. I mean, honestly, what are you even talking about? What's your poi... elemele

    Damn, you said I'm throwing a tantrum and here you are insulting my opinion. Like i said to your other comment. You do whatever. Just don't go around telling commenting nasty stuff on books so people avoid it when they could also enjoy it. Because they are some people who would rather listen to the review other than looking at the item.
    My point was there is nothing wrong with the way the seme was. The are tones of omegaverse were instead of something like this were the uke actually has a little consent, the omega has none whatsoever and it just turns into actual rape involving blood and people like you would see that as better. Whatever man ლ(´ڡ`ლ) When it goes to LGBT+ related stuff I don't back down until I've had my say and made it clear, if this isn't clear instead for you. That officially doesn't bother me anymore. (⌒▽⌒) Have a new day! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    elemele January 4, 2020 4:58 am
    Damn, you said I'm throwing a tantrum and here you are insulting my opinion. Like i said to your other comment. You do whatever. Just don't go around telling commenting nasty stuff on books so people avoid it w... 207

    Saying "do whatever, just don't XXX" isn't very consistent, you know. Just proves how illogical of a person you are. Am I telling you not to praise this stuff? No, I don't. Enjoy it to your heart's content and tell all the world about it if you want to. So be mature and acknowledge I can do the same. Telling someone they can have an opinion as long as they keep it to themselves isn't much different from telling people they can't have an opinion. You're like those shitty people who tell it's ok to be gay as long as you "don't flaunt it". Grow up. And bye.

    207 January 4, 2020 9:54 am
    Saying "do whatever, just don't XXX" isn't very consistent, you know. Just proves how illogical of a person you are. Am I telling you not to praise this stuff? No, I don't. Enjoy it to your heart's content and ... elemele

    Oof, grow up? Okay homophobic person

    Amorim January 13, 2020 2:08 am
    What- Did we read the same manga? 207

    Honestly. If anyone, the uke is the villain in this manga lmao

    Amorim January 13, 2020 2:15 am
    No, it is a mistake because I read the whole story and it was horrible. I know many stories are like that and I hate every single one of them. I like stories where people wait for consent. I sometimes forgive s... elemele

    Bro wait for consent? This wasnt a dude he picked up at a bar. This was someone in the sex industry who was quite frankly, super rude to this customer from the get go. You cant advertise sex as a commodity, try to take advantage of someone, and then get mad when they want their money's worth. He was never violent or unkind with the uke, but the uke just refused him because he didnt like him at first. Basically saying yeah I'm here to have sex with anyone but not you lol. How rude. He reaps what he sows imo. He could have quit and gotten another job in the sex industry if it was that important to him but no, the benefits were too good. But not good enough to be polite to the customer right? Sorry that you try to scam someone out of their money and then when they pay and you still say no and say just take your money back you're thinking what? It's his fault somehow? I'd complain to the manager too if someone I was paying to have sex with me was so rude and treated me in such a way. He has no one to blame but himself. Sorry not sorry.

    elemele February 8, 2020 12:27 am

    I think you don't understand what host is.
    Also, refusing an offer, either romantic or professional, because you don't like the other party is a perfectly fine and reasonable thing to do. And when the other party cannot understand the word "no" being rude is perfectly fine too. I'm shocked you see it this way, I was frustrated with the uke all the time for not being MORE rude. But well, this is how it is in bad yaoi manga, uke just submits to the seme despite not wanting it and then he starts wanting it because they're the uke and seme of the story and they're supposed to be together and author couldn't think of a better story.

    207 February 8, 2020 12:39 am
    I think you don't understand what host is.Also, refusing an offer, either romantic or professional, because you don't like the other party is a perfectly fine and reasonable thing to do. And when the other part... elemele

    Erm, I don't think you understand how hosts works
    For a job like being a host, some of them you need to sign a contract agreeing that you'd let a customer do whatever they please to you.
    But relax broski.
    Stop focusing on this single comment and go read other mangas and have fun.

    elemele February 8, 2020 12:57 am
    Erm, I don't think you understand how hosts worksFor a job like being a host, some of them you need to sign a contract agreeing that you'd let a customer do whatever they please to you.But relax broski.Stop foc... 207

    Well, I can agree with you on this one :)

    Amorim February 8, 2020 12:11 pm
    I think you don't understand what host is.Also, refusing an offer, either romantic or professional, because you don't like the other party is a perfectly fine and reasonable thing to do. And when the other part... elemele

    I know what a host is. I also know what a prostitute is. The uke was both.
    You're right. He absolutely could have turned down the offer. But he didnt did he? He instead, asked for a ridiculous amount of money in return for his services, in an action to humiliate him when he couldnt pay up. Well he did pay up. THEN he basically says, "sorry, I know my job is having sex for money, but not when its YOU". Which is rude behavior honestly. That is behavior a customer should be allowed to complain about to a manager. This is a business. You pay for X, you should get X. When you don't, you should be allowed to complain. Well the uke didnt want him going to the manager. That's on him. Shouldn't have tried to humiliate him by asking for an exorbitant amount of money. So he ended up sleeping with him. Seems like an equally fitting end to this situation as would be letting him talk to the manager.

KissMeDarkly November 21, 2019 2:31 am

I'm not sure how Taiga and Yuka were supposed to be a fated pair. In middle school, it showed Kaoru reacting to even just being near Yuka, but Taiga only reacted to him when Yuka went into heat. Before that, there was no indication of any reaction towards him. Kaoru, on the other hand, was sent into full blown rut just being within ten feet of Yuka. Taiga didn't even care until Yuka himself went into heat and drove everyone crazy. Maybe someone can explain it to me? I think I missed something.

    Sleepless November 25, 2019 4:52 pm


    elemele December 9, 2019 6:51 am

    I can understand how it can be a little confusing, basically, it helps to keep it mind that each omegaverse manga makes some rules of its own, it isn't really one consistent setting. Especially the interpretation of what fated pair actually is can be very different. This story treats fated pairs as purely physiological connection, special pheromonal compatibility. Before his first heat, Yuka is basically a pre-puberty kid, so he doesn't stimulate Taiga in any way. Only when Yuka's first heat comes Taiga goes into a rut. Kaoru, on the other hand, is in love with Yuka, so as soon as his alpha traits manifest themselves, ie. his body can go into rut, he's constantly well... turned on by him, even without Yuka actually emitting any pheromones. The main message of the story is that genuine love wins over bare physical predisposition, so it makes sense that Kaoru reacts to Yuka more strongly than Taiga.

KissMeDarkly November 14, 2019 11:49 am

Chp 1: "I realized I was gay when I was 18."
Chp 6 character profile: "Realized he was gay during his elementary school graduation."
Me: Who the hell is still 18 in elementary school? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    ravenc November 16, 2019 1:28 am

    Maybe he forgot

    nyoom November 16, 2019 2:42 am

    Or maybe they meant high school (it could’ve been a translation mistake)

    justsomeonesomewhere November 24, 2019 1:52 am
    Maybe he forgot ravenc


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