I like seeing the posters and announcements, at this point I’m kinda lost with the manga, the anime totally turned shit with the second season and it’s weird how they changed so much when it was unnecessary. I honestly hope they choose a better voice actors for season 3 cause the season 2 dub was bad, you can’t really replace the first Mc voice actor. I also hope they don’t skimp out on actual good animation this time around, season one was perfect and 24 episodes makes the most sense for a successful anime like this

I wish it would update, I don’t like how he was a playboy, but he stopped once he had her so that’s good, and it’s obvious he only feels anything for her which is good, I don’t remember if she was legal or not like wasn’t she 14 when they married, which is a little sus, I wonder if the son/ nephew can have sons without incest
I watched the sun anime and liked it, but I was unsure if there was romance because of the main dude, but the manga specifically says he’s a eunuch, so if he has so parts then that prob means no romance, I honestly thought he was a court person who had his parts and was only there to test the concubines but I guess not
Oh boy, I recommend you to read all the chapters available ( ̄∇ ̄")
Well he does have a frog ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ I'm screeching
Now I want spoilers.