Hardcore ahegao yaoi recommendation

I won't name all specific titles now but artists I know whose works are really good in that category (note that I only take these from myreadingmanga so I don't know wether u can find them on here as well):
Atelier Dr.HEAD'S (Katou Chakichi) > some of their works are pretty hardcore ahegao if u get what I mean haha (f.e. "Jousou Shounen Mesuochi Saimin ZERO")
Seki Sabato (Tsukuru) >literally a god in the ahegao department I love all their works (especially "Kyou mo Mata Katei Kyoushi ga Kite Kyousei Mesu Ochi Saimin Jugyou o Suruhi",
"DQN Saimin Mesu Otoshi" > a personal favorite,
"Kyou wa Kateikyoushi ni Iwarete Mesu Ochi Saimin Jishuu o Suru Hi" and
"Bocchan Issho ni Asobi Masho")
But literally every work is an ahegao gem
Coin RAND is also not bad (f.e. "I am a bride of father"-series)

What was your reaction when you first discovered yaoi?

I mean who’s gonna see what you’re thinking? Unless they’re mind readers (or studied psychology) ain’t nobody know if you dont show emotion on your face. And if someone who knows you try to make fun of you for it tell them that it ain’t their business and to stick their nose back from where it came from.

Honestly I wasn’t really disgusted when I discovered it I mean it’s a going into a girls and guys do that too. I just discovered a whole new genre of manga but I guess my first impression was pretty good I read Sweet Trap first and it was a fluffy yaoi. I’m going 1 1/2 years strong and I can’t say I regret it. (•ᴗ•)و

I was confused bc honestly i didnt even noticed the gender of the main characters (if that makes sense) until I got to the ecchi scenes. I read some more because I was satisfied with the plot of the story, and it got me curious. I realized that yaoi stories are much more fun and interesting to read bc they are easy to understand and it makes my heart go giddy and badump badump.

the first yaoi i read was caste heaven i stumbled on that on youtube, at first i was like :),that was like i was 11 but as i went deeper i found out it was called "yaoi" and when i was 13 i met haikyuu i met the ships i read the doujinshi i found mangago i found yaoi i found caste heaven i found my PLACE I FOUND MY FETISH AND IM NEVER GOING TO REGRET IT.That's all.I'm 14 right now lol.
Can someone recommend me yaoi with medieval korean setting like ghost child and painter of the night
Two souls is good
Who’s your daddy