I’m looking for this manhwa/webtoon i read on this site but forgot the title , it’s in a fantasy world about this blonde mc who likes to forge swords and also knows swordsmanship ( she has a twin bro too ) who is forced to get married to this rude rich guy ( male lead ) with black hair because of her father’s promise to him and the mom wants her to get married to him , he might be a dragon?? , she doesnt want to get married with him so she challenged him in a duel and lost , also she tried to kill herself but he stops her , i can provide more details if asked plz help (=・ω・=)
This webtoon became bland after the writer and artist changed , #NotMyAdonis
artist is still better at drawing than me either way honestly
I never said it’s bad lol it just doesn’t suit the webtoon plot it’s like drawing death note with my monster shoujo ish artstyle it wont have the atmosphere of the story , same as this webtoon it’s not quite fitting for the plot and universe at least before the writer changed , if u compare the early adonis with the later chapters u’ll see what im talking about ,, i think many readers forgot what it was like before wich is sad , i think the new writer and artist can shine in another story but not this one
mhm! ty for clarifying but u really werent wrong in the first place. we're all used to the old art honestly ( ̄∇ ̄") sorry if the way i phrased my sentence was easily misunderstood
Np!!:) No worries u didnt come out as offensive i just wanted to clarify a point