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PGS July 18, 2020 7:50 pm

Okay, I kinda forgot Arthur’s name while writing this lol

-Note uses his Phase 2 dragon awakening to defeat the elderbeast but is seriously wounded
-Elijah saves Jasmine and Note and uses metal bending lol (so he’s also a deviant) to save them; he also saves the other girl, who manages to get both the elderbeast mana core and Note’s mask)
-Note uses his mom’s glove gems to heal himself and Jasmine (she wasn’t able to fortify her body with mana so she was worse off)
-Note wanted them all to share the money by selling the mana core but the rest agreed that since he defeated the monster, he gets to keep it
-Note absorbs some of the mana core to heal himself
-Sylvie transforms into a furry fox thing (her Toothless-lookalike form can’t be used since Note plans on taking revenge on Lucas some day and Lucas saw the Toothless form already)
-Elijah and Note = BFFs
-Note gives the mana core to help his dad breakthrough his core training, but the mana core doesn’t disappear even when all the mana was absorbed (it’s supposed to disintegrate)
-Note discovers it has a beast will!
-Sadly, he can’t absorb another one since only the stronger beast will will prevail
-So...elderbeast = plant, who do you think he will give it to? ;) one big fat end game couple flag right here
-They discovered a new continent and are itching to explore (Note gives out a blueprint of a steam engine to help things along in exchange fore some powerful charm to protect his family, just in case)
-There are now no kings/queens: the prev kings and queens of humans, dwarves, and elves have united and formed a council; they each have a “lance“ (two of the strongest magic users from each race who were given an artefact to augment their mana core to white)—more on this later
-Lily is already in school, and Note convinced Elijah to also enrol (heh, personal connections to the director)
-First day of school is a whole lotta mess: elf princess is student council pres (AS A FIRST YEAR!), Note becomes a Discipline Officer (they’re the strongest magic users personally recognized by the director, Lucas isn’t one since Goodsky doesn’t like him), Note defeats his prof THEN BECOMES THE PROF LIKE WTF ON THE FIRST FREAKING DAY, he gives the beast will to the princess
-Note creates his harem lol and Elijah is hella jealous (I become a lesser person when next to you lol)
-Princess trains her beast will but something’s wrong with it (it’s like mutated so it’s trying to defeat her own will despite completing assimilation)
-Note meets some of Sylvia’s clansmen who give him an elixir to help the princess’s assimilation (Sylvia is a fucking god (or the closest thing to a god in their world) or deity and belongs to a powerful clan who is now looking for their granddaughter = Sylvie)

*There are 8 clans of Asuras that can be recognized as deities/gods (they literally call the humans, elves, and dwarves lesser beings lol) but one defected and made mixed Asura-lesser beings who are now terrifying the lesser beings in Note’s continent (the Basilisk clan, more HP arghh)—this happened ages ago
*Sylvia was the only heir of the Dragon clan, before the arrival of Sylvie
*When the 7 clans sent their best people to defeat the Basilisk clan, they were overpowered since they’re now up against the mixed bloods and the they made a truce that the deities cannot directly help the lesser beings (but can influence them)
*So this is when the 7 clans gave the artefacts to the royal fams of the races, so they can learn and elevate to the white core stage two of their mages so they can survive

I personally don’t like the school arc since they stay here for like a week before all death defying shit happens
-Note is almost killed protecting the princess from a class duel
-Note is almost killed protecting the princess and his class from a low class of mana beasts in a class dungeon exploration (after which he’s separated from everyone and discovers a dismembered Lance (yup, supposedly the strongest in their race) who describes to him what is essentially the appearance of those who killed Sylvia, also responsible for the mutations/deviation in the power levels of the dungeon mana beasts)
-While Note is gone and recovering from his latest NDE from the dungeon, everyone in school is almost killed when an uprising (influenced by the Sylvia-killer minions) happened in school (God this part is so cringey since it reads like the sack of Hogwarts; and also they have classmates called MYRTLE AND EMILY WATSKEN WHO’S ALSO A KNOW-IT-ALL AND AN ARROGANT PROFESSOR CALLED PROFESSOR GIDEON???)
-Lucas was given all types of elixirs and shit that greatly expands his mana pool (by using up his life, apparently) and beating up the princess
-Elijah tries to save the princess using an unknown dark magic (decay type magic different from the creation type that almost everyone has) but faints; the perpetrators recognized this magic and took him away to the other continent, I guess
-When Note comes using his big flashy dragon, Lucas is scared but threatens to rape the princess in front of him so ofc, he dismembers him and crushes his family jewels
-The Lances come in (wow great timing) and sees Note killing Lucas. Big surprise, Lucas’s brother is one of them so he mad AF
-The Lances are given the order by everyone in the Council (ofc, except the elf royal fam) to capture Note and his dragon bECauSe hE is DAnGerOus and a murderer
God more hp feels
-So there, he’s captured and he also finds the school director in prison (she’s a spy from the other continent but turned good, but she’s in prison since she’s being made into the scapegoat for the school war)
-Turns out, the dwarf royal couple is a traitor—they’ve been lured in with the promise of riches and power by the Basilisk people; they also threatened the human royal couple that only by betraying their continent can their and their kids’ lives be saved (damned the rest of the populace)
-The Dragon people Note met then killed the Dwarf couple and proceeded to help the continent in their fight against the Basilisks: one trained the princess in the continent while Note was whisked away to the lands of the Asuras
-Before he left, he told his parents his reincarnation truth—they mad AF since they think that Note replaced their real kid’s soul (his dad: MY WIFE SUCKLED A 40+ YEAR OLD MAN? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU). Fuck I hate this part. I understand their point but then fuck you, Note saved your wife while he was in a 5 year old body!!!

In the land of the Asuras
-Note meets Sylvia‘s father who gets mad that he didn’t train Sylvie (that’s why she sleeps all the time since her mana pool was ridiculously small) and separates them to train her himself
-Note was trained like mad and gets more OP
-Note made a new technique while in battle that resulted in most of his leg muscles torn and shit—he was healed by an elderly lady who lives in a hut lol (she’s Sylvia’s mom)
-Sylvia’s mom also teaches him how to properly use his Dragon Awakening: it’s not a power boost, like Note thought, but allows him to be able to see and (eventually) manipulate aether
*there are 4 elements and aether; only few of the Dragon clan can see and manipulate aether (which can be used to manipulate time (like Note’s Phase 1), space, and vitality)
*Sylvia can manipulate time (that’s why Note can use it too), her mom can manipulate vitality (so she’s a healer of sorts), and Note’s supposedly meant for space manipulation
*He can’t use it efficiently and there’s a lot of rebound since he’s not Dragon
-At this point he’s gone like a year or two(?), and what they thought would occur in a decade happened—the Basilisk and their ilk have started the invasion

And that’s all I’ve read so far from 66 freaking chapters holy shit this LN is so long

-From the spoilers I’ve seen, it seems like Elijah belongs to the dark side and is also a reincarnation? The elf princess is too, and she’s apparently the love of his life that Grey killed (she wanted to die and in their old world, they won’t let her so she let Grey kill her)
-And so Elijah hates Note’s prev reincarnation (awww I liked him when he was all goodness and cuteness)
-I also really liked the elf princess in the webtoon but apparently she becomes more annoying and I don’t think I'm suprised. While she’s supposed to be a prodigy and is hella strong, all she did in those 255 ch was get saved. And she’s so whiny about being protected all the damn time (girl, you get Arthur killed almost every. damn. time)
-Note breaks through to white core but his mana core gets destroyed = he can’t be quadra elemental now since he can’t use mana, but he gets an aether core from Sylvie sacrificing herself (Arthur was pretty much a goner otherwise). Not sure what this means, is he gonna be stronger? Will he get both cores if his mana core is saved? Anyway, please be alive Sylv T-T

    YAOI.4.LIFE July 18, 2020 7:53 pm

    im still reading this but you telling me lucas survives this auuuug my gawd

    PGS July 18, 2020 7:56 pm
    im still reading this but you telling me lucas survives this auuuug my gawd YAOI.4.LIFE


    NOOOOOO! He’s definitely a goner :) sad way to die for a sad POS

    Kfc July 18, 2020 8:35 pm

    He should’ve given the beasts will to Elijah if that princess was just gonna make shit use of it

    PGS July 18, 2020 8:58 pm
    He should’ve given the beasts will to Elijah if that princess was just gonna make shit use of it Kfc

    Nah, author really made the beast will for the princess since she’s plant and wind while Elijah’s earth and metal. And tbh, I think Elijah will be really powerful. In the LN, even he is scared of his dark powers (which is what he used to defeat the barrier in school which teachers and students combined couldn’t break) and he doesn’t even know what these are—he doesn’t have any memories apart from being picked up by a dwarf. It looks like Art and Elijah will also face off in the far off future

    YAOI.4.LIFE July 18, 2020 10:22 pm
    Nah, author really made the beast will for the princess since she’s plant and wind while Elijah’s earth and metal. And tbh, I think Elijah will be really powerful. In the LN, even he is scared of his dark p... PGS


    PGS July 18, 2020 11:18 pm

    I haven’t read anymore than what I included in the spoiler (so at this point, I still haven’t met again the kidnapped Elijah). But! From spoilers

    it seems he lost (with him being a white core mage already, the highest stage in their continent AFAIK) to Nico (who is Elijah‘s past self), resulting in the destruction of his mana core. He was gonna be a goner that’s why Sylvie sacrificed herself. So now he’s part Asura part Dragon(?) part human with an aether core. Not sure how his present self compares with past self with white mana core though

PGS July 18, 2020 7:22 pm

Okay, I kinda forgot Arthur’s name while writing this lol

-Note uses his Phase 2 dragon awakening to defeat the elderbeast but is seriously wounded
-Elijah saves Jasmine and Note and uses metal bending lol (so he’s also a deviant) to save them; he also saves the other girl, who manages to get both the elderbeast mana core and Note’s mask)
-Note uses his mom’s glove gems to heal himself and Jasmine (she wasn’t able to fortify her body with mana so she was worse off)
-Note wanted them all to share the money by selling the mana core but the rest agreed that since he defeated the monster, he gets to keep it
-Note absorbs some of the mana core to heal himself
-Sylvie transforms into a furry fox thing (her Toothless-lookalike form can’t be used since Note plans on taking revenge on Lucas some day and Lucas saw the Toothless form already)
-Elijah and Note = BFFs
-Note gives the mana core to help his dad breakthrough his core training, but the mana core doesn’t disappear even when all the mana was absorbed (it’s supposed to disintegrate)
-Note discovers it has a beast will!
-Sadly, he can’t absorb another one since only the stronger beast will will prevail
-So...elderbeast = plant, who do you think he will give it to? ;) one big fat end game couple flag right here
-They discovered a new continent and are itching to explore (Note gives out a blueprint of a steam engine to help things along in exchange fore some powerful charm to protect his family, just in case)
-There are now no kings/queens: the prev kings and queens of humans, dwarves, and elves have united and formed a council; they each have a “lance“ (two of the strongest magic users from each race who were given an artefact to augment their mana core to white)—more on this later
-Lily is already in school, and Note convinced Elijah to also enrol (heh, personal connections to the director)
-First day of school is a whole lotta mess: elf princess is student council pres (AS A FIRST YEAR!), Note becomes a Discipline Officer (they’re the strongest magic users personally recognized by the director, Lucas isn’t one since Goodsky doesn’t like him), Note defeats his prof THEN BECOMES THE PROF LIKE WTF ON THE FIRST FREAKING DAY, he gives the beast will to the princess
-Note creates his harem lol and Elijah is hella jealous (I become a lesser person when next to you lol)
-Princess trains her beast will but something’s wrong with it (it’s like mutated so it’s trying to defeat her own will despite completing assimilation)
-Note meets some of Sylvia’s clansmen who give him an elixir to help the princess’s assimilation (Sylvia is a fucking god (or the closest thing to a god in their world) or deity and belongs to a powerful clan who is now looking for their granddaughter = Sylvie)

*There are 8 clans of Asuras that can be recognized as deities/gods (they literally call the humans, elves, and dwarves lesser beings lol) but one defected and made mixed Asura-lesser beings who are now terrifying the lesser beings in Note’s continent (the Basilisk clan, more HP arghh)—this happened ages ago
*Sylvia was the only heir of the Dragon clan, before the arrival of Sylvie
*When the 7 clans sent their best people to defeat the Basilisk clan, they were overpowered since they’re now up against the mixed bloods and the they made a truce that the deities cannot directly help the lesser beings (but can influence them)
*So this is when the 7 clans gave the artefacts to the royal fams of the races, so they can learn and elevate to the white core stage two of their mages so they can survive

I personally don’t like the school arc since they stay here for like a week before all death defying shit happens
-Note is almost killed protecting the princess from a class duel
-Note is almost killed protecting the princess and his class from a low class of mana beasts in a class dungeon exploration (after which he’s separated from everyone and discovers a dismembered Lance (yup, supposedly the strongest in their race) who describes to him what is essentially the appearance of those who killed Sylvia, also responsible for the mutations/deviation in the power levels of the dungeon mana beasts)
-While Note is gone and recovering from his latest NDE from the dungeon, everyone in school is almost killed when an uprising (influenced by the Sylvia-killer minions) happened in school (God this part is so cringey since it reads like the sack of Hogwarts; and also they have a classmate called EMILY WATSKEN WHO’S ALSO A KNOW-IT-ALL AND AN ARROGANT PROFESSOR CALLD PROFESSOR GIDEON???)
-Lucas was given all types of elixirs and shit that greatly expands his mana pool (by using up his life, apparently) and beating up the princess
-Elijah tries to save the princess using an unknown dark magic (decay type magic different from the creation type that almost everyone has) but faints; the perpetrators recognized this magic and took him away to the other continent, I guess
-When Note comes using his big flashy dragon, Lucas is scared but threatens to rape the princess in front of him so ofc, he dismembers him and crushes his family jewels
-The Lances come in (wow great timing) and sees Note killing Lucas. Big surprise, Lucas’s brother is one of them so he mad AF
-The Lances are given the order by everyone in the Council (ofc, except the elf royal fam) to capture Note and his dragon bECauSe hE is DAnGerOus and a murderer
God more hp feels
-So there, he’s captured and he also finds the school director in prison (she’s a spy from the other continent but turned good, but she’s in prison since she’s being made into the scapegoat for the school war)
-Turns out, the dwarf royal couple is a traitor—they’ve been lured in with the promise of riches and power by the Basilisk people; they also threatened the human royal couple that only by betraying their continent can their and their kids’ lives be saved (damned the rest of the populace)
-The Dragon people Note met then killed the Dwarf couple and proceeded to help the continent in their fight against the Basilisks: one trained the princess in the continent while Note was whisked away to the lands of the Asuras
-Before he left, he told his parents his reincarnation truth—they mad AF since they think that Note replaced their real kid’s soul (his dad: MY WIFE SUCKLED A 40+ YEAR OLD MAN? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU). Fuck I hate this part. I understand their point but then fuck you, Note saved your wife while he was in a 5 year old body!!!

In the land of the Asuras
-Note meets Sylvia‘s father who gets mad that he didn’t train Sylvie (that’s why she sleeps all the time since her mana pool was ridiculously small) and separates them to train her himself
-Note was trained like mad and gets more OP
-Note made a new technique while in battle that resulted in most of his leg muscles torn and shit—he was healed by an elderly lady who lives in a hut lol (she’s Sylvia’s mom)
-Sylvia’s mom also teaches him how to properly use his Dragon Awakening: it’s not a power boost, like Note thought, but allows him to be able to see and (eventually) manipulate aether
*there are 4 elements and aether; only few of the Dragon clan can see and manipulate aether (which can be used to manipulate time (like Note’s Phase 1), space, and vitality)
*Sylvia can manipulate time (that’s why Note can use it too), her mom can manipulate vitality (so she’s a healer of sorts), and Note’s supposedly meant for space manipulation
*He can’t use it efficiently and there’s a lot of rebound since he’s not Dragon
-At this point he’s gone like a year or two(?), and what they thought would occur in a decade happened—the Basilisk and their ilk have started the invasion

And that’s all I’ve read so far from 255 freaking chapters holy shit this LN is so long

-From the spoilers I’ve seen, it seems like Elijah belongs to the dark side and is also a reincarnation? The elf princess is too, and she’s apparently the love of his life that Grey killed (she wanted to die and in their old world, they won’t let her so she let Grey kill her)
-And so Elijah hates Note’s prev reincarnation (awww I liked him when he was all goodness and cuteness)
-I also really liked the elf princess in the webtoon but apparently she becomes more annoying and I don’t think I'm suprised. While she’s supposed to be a prodigy and is hella strong, all she did in those 255 ch was get saved. And she’s so whiny about being protected all the damn time (girl, you get Arthur killed almost every. damn. time)
-Note breaks through to white core but his mana core gets destroyed = he can’t be quadra elemental now since he can’t use mana, but he gets an aether core from Sylvie sacrificing herself (Arthur was pretty much a goner otherwise). Not sure what this means, is he gonna be stronger? Will he get both cores if his mana core is saved? Anyway, please be alive Sylv T-T

    jamme82736 July 18, 2020 8:01 pm

    Bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh ლ(´ڡ`ლ)! From what u say all those ppl r shit (while expect the good ppl)! N the story, the mc sound like he gonna died n the end lol. Also, it be nice if there were no harem n princess. The princess suck the most since she always have to be save n annoying. I’m totally going to drop this reading when the annoying part came up. Also, fk Lucas! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    jamme82736 July 18, 2020 8:03 pm
    Bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh ლ(´ڡ`ლ)! From what u say all those ppl r shit (while expect the good ppl)! N the story, the mc sound like he gonna died n the end lol. Also, it be nice if there were no harem n prin... jamme82736

    The story is just gonna make me mad so I rather not read those part when it get update ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    PGS July 18, 2020 8:33 pm
    Bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh ლ(´ڡ`ლ)! From what u say all those ppl r shit (while expect the good ppl)! N the story, the mc sound like he gonna died n the end lol. Also, it be nice if there were no harem n prin... jamme82736

    I was actually glad that in the manga, there wasn’t any romance yet but then when I read about him giving the beast will the the princess...there’s your end game couple arghhh

    Also, Arthur feels super guilty since he’s like a middle-aged guy surrounded by little girls but the princess is so pushy in her feelings (as is normal in teenaged girls). But yeah, even if they just focus on Arthur, his battles, and his family (with no romance), this story is more than enough.

    jamme82736 July 18, 2020 9:30 pm
    I was actually glad that in the manga, there wasn’t any romance yet but then when I read about him giving the beast will the the princess...there’s your end game couple arghhhAlso, Arthur feels super guilty... PGS


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