I have A coworker like Jacqueline….. I work at a cake shop and we were really friendly for like months with no problems and apparently she’s been bad talking me behind my back for a while saying that any messed up order with her initials on it I actually wrote her initials on it and that it was my bad work and I was framing her…. People got back to me about it because she was getting to the point where even the boss had to sit her down and tell her that I wasn’t writing her initials and that she was basically harassing me at this point and she never took accountability never apologized never said sorry or I was wrong. She pretended to be nice to me, but then would bad talk me to new coworkers who would come in. she was so strange because she would be so nice to my face then I would personally hear or just be told about how she thinks I’m a ‘snake’ and I have ‘fake kindness’ like girl I’m just nice to people because I’m scared of psychopaths lmao just shows you can’t trust anyone and people are gonna pick imaginary fights with you in their head and there’s nothing you can say to them because there is no real reason for it in the first place, her whole reason for hating me is she thinks I’m not actually real nice and that she thinks I was writing her name on bad orders like girl. part of me thinks the only reason she hasn’t started shit up again is because I’m still continuously nice to her even after the incident so she has no more ammunition left against me, what you gonna say that I was scheming by helping you clean up your area lmao?!?