Thank you author for giving me another kick in the pants to be grateful for my life and what I have and not focus on what I’ve lost. Life can be very very hard, and when you have a degenerative illness it’s 10x worse but I should be grateful for my current mobility and the good people in my life instead of the pain or resentment for what the future will hold, just got to focus on what a gift it is to even be alive and what I can do with it!
YES WE AGREE !!! I can't wait for Sion to realise how utterly hypocritic his behaviours are and for him to lament after knowing it was all doings of his own homeland Mia and Abel will be living happily then
I think her fruit is more imagination fruit. She wanted to go out and find her dad. Thats why she grew. She wanted to escape danger...turn into kid. She wants to be like Nika, manifested it.
Before reading further: Is this another story where she stays with the dude who cheated on her? If so writers need to get some self-respect and better messages to their young female audience.
Thank you author for giving me another kick in the pants to be grateful for my life and what I have and not focus on what I’ve lost. Life can be very very hard, and when you have a degenerative illness it’s 10x worse but I should be grateful for my current mobility and the good people in my life instead of the pain or resentment for what the future will hold, just got to focus on what a gift it is to even be alive and what I can do with it!