I just read the spoilers and this guy is way worse than caesar and ilay omg it's a miracle that mc is still alive which make it more interesting lmao I'm so excited to see how they gonna fall for each other in the manhwa
Here u go https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/codename-anastasia-%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C%EB%84%A4%EC%9E%84-%EC%95%84%EB%82%98%EC%8A%A4%ED%83%80%EC%83%A4.167697/ Heizou is a genius
After he defeat the number 1 ranker , that benedict marquis will bring his knights to kill him (they thought he'll be too tired lmao) then he MASSACRED THEM
After he defeat the number 1 ranker , that benedict marquis will bring his knights to kill him (they thought he'll be too tired lmao) then he MASSACRED THEM Heizou is a genius
eii that means more Roman action panels. He is THE goat
I'm sick of ppl commenting 'they're siblings' 'oh it's so wrong' there's something called dropping the manhwa if u don't know ffs i just wanna read cute comments then those annoying comments pop up
omg I've been avoiding this for months, i thought it was your usual smut every damn chapter but nooooo it's super interesting i love it sm!!!!