This is one of my favs re reads everr. Not only coz it’s interesting and I love the dynamic between them but also coz I learn and feel more about the emotional conversation portrayed and the depth of the story the more I re read it. The way and interpreted a year ago will be different to the 8 months ago when I re read and that was different to when I re read now. Same story but I feel like I grown with it. Like the part where ml stops his brother from apologising about having a family coz it made him feel pathetic. I never fully grasped how much hurt and anger each pitiful sorry thrown at him like sharp stones must’ve affected the ml until now when I recently went through a similar situation. You feel helpless but even more shame and frustration that you look that way in such a situation. And someone has to apologise that for you?! Brah might as well throw me into a ditch.
Also, the other ml talking about his remembering grandma praying for his success while walking to his forbidden love kinda cut deep to me too as I’m in a stage of this whole family resentment thing.
The desperation from the black hair ml of wanting feel loved and love was needy to he before when I was first read it but now in my 20s I feel his cries for love n security more than anything else now ahaha. The part where he’s singing to himself when his partner leave rather worrying where’s he going like ooohhh :‘)
I just love how this manga breezes through such relatable and heart wrenching moments while also adding in perfect snippets of comedy. Can’t wait to re read again in another year or months time and see how I emotionally evolved (⌒▽⌒)