Deadpool December 11, 2020 9:56 pm

Can someone spoil for me who’s endgame harem? Because (Spoiler) I saw someone say that there’s 7 but I want to know who.

    Xiaugh December 12, 2020 6:37 pm

    i think you already know 5 of them

    Deadpool December 12, 2020 10:25 pm
    i think you already know 5 of them Xiaugh

    So redhead, the two blondes, soldier boy, and who else?

    Xiaugh December 13, 2020 6:33 am
    So redhead, the two blondes, soldier boy, and who else? Deadpool

    the other 2 haven't been introduced yet

Deadpool December 11, 2020 7:29 pm

Is it dropped?

    Myshitue December 13, 2020 10:42 pm

    I don’t know it was never updated again but who knows

    MissV December 20, 2020 6:05 pm

    It just came out on Naver, so no

Deadpool December 3, 2020 6:34 pm

Should I read the novel?

    Roxannabell December 3, 2020 6:36 pm

    If you wanna know what happens faster then yes

    Deadpool December 3, 2020 6:40 pm
    If you wanna know what happens faster then yes Roxannabell

    Okay cool

Deadpool November 30, 2020 2:52 am

Awwww I wanted to see more of his incubus form (with the wings and everything)

Deadpool November 23, 2020 9:23 pm

Hi I haven’t read that far but can someone spoil for me whether the wavy haired boy/childhood best friend find love? Because idk if he suddenly turns evil but for right now he seems like a good guy and I want him to be happy.

    frances November 23, 2020 9:30 pm

    Yup he does.. dont worry he ain't evil.. He's actually my fave character here

    Deadpool November 23, 2020 10:38 pm
    Yup he does.. dont worry he ain't evil.. He's actually my fave character here frances

    Oh thank god. Love triangle stories have a tendency to make the third one hecka possessive or a jerk or manipulative. He seems like a good dude so I really wanted him to be happy.

Deadpool November 10, 2020 6:48 am

Y’know, I like this story and all, but the author’s dedication to having all the women either raped or only thinking about being pregnant is really something

    Leia November 14, 2020 5:25 am

    While that is true, the characters are also in tribes lol i really hate the rape but the need for women to bear children is there cause it's important for the tribe to flourish in the next generation. Although it's really not morally acceptable for us in the modern era

    Deadpool November 14, 2020 6:49 am
    While that is true, the characters are also in tribes lol i really hate the rape but the need for women to bear children is there cause it's important for the tribe to flourish in the next generation. Although ... Leia

    Yes, but consider this: the author literally could have not included it at all and the story would be fine. Instead of pregnancy it could be people were falling sick and he could show off his magic that way. It just seems like the author made every woman in this story’s sole purpose to have sex which they could have just...not done. Also he’s like 3 wtf

    Leia November 14, 2020 11:07 am
    Yes, but consider this: the author literally could have not included it at all and the story would be fine. Instead of pregnancy it could be people were falling sick and he could show off his magic that way. It... Deadpool

    Lmaooo yeah that's true but i guess the author wanted that kind of story. This really isn't exactly my cup of tea but there are some people who are generally interested in it. I do agree tho, i wish it could be famine or an epidemic but instead it's rape and low birth rates

    Sasifras December 14, 2020 4:02 am
    Yes, but consider this: the author literally could have not included it at all and the story would be fine. Instead of pregnancy it could be people were falling sick and he could show off his magic that way. It... Deadpool

    His age is the only reason the harem isn't taking up any real time. I have read much farther in the novel but even I need to take a break from it now and then; epic epicfest can only hold attention for so long.
    (The harem wants to, though Van is dead set on revenge and they all know sex won't result in anything anyway.)

Deadpool November 3, 2020 9:54 pm

LMAO i thought his secret was he also has tattoos, like with the cashmere undershirt and everything.

Deadpool October 26, 2020 6:38 pm

I think my being easily irritated is coming out haha I could never deal with Eddie. I’m not coming for this manga but tbh irl if I met someone who was a jerk on the outside but internally different I would just drop em. I don’t have the patience for that lol

    叶不修 October 26, 2020 6:41 pm

    same honestly, idk if it's because i'm older now but ain't nobody got time for that

    blueninja89 October 26, 2020 6:56 pm

    As you should. BL makes toxic behavior the basis of romance. Worse the romance genre in general does it overall and it’s honestly gross. But god forbid you advocate for healthier portrayals of romantic relationships and people lose their shit that vanilla relationships are boring. Then they wonder why the number of domestic violence and abuse has never lowered because we are thought to love it from all points of our entertainment.

    Deadpool October 26, 2020 9:46 pm
    As you should. BL makes toxic behavior the basis of romance. Worse the romance genre in general does it overall and it’s honestly gross. But god forbid you advocate for healthier portrayals of romantic relati... blueninja89

    Thank you omg! I was kinda worried I was just being shallow, but then I realized I needed to take a step back and see how a lot of BL relationships wouldn’t work irl! I get the enemies to lovers trope, but when someone is just an outright jerk I’m not cool. Like if you can’t trust them to treat you right at the beginning, how can you trust them to respect you & your boundaries during the relationship? LMAO i think I’m overreacting I know this isn’t that big of a deal it just annoys me

    sotuhji October 27, 2020 2:37 pm

    i’m glad some people are saying this because honestly my blood was boiling while i was reading the chapters. i cant stand people who are like eddie and i’d never be able to handle them at all lmaoo

    Deadpool October 27, 2020 4:38 pm
    i’m glad some people are saying this because honestly my blood was boiling while i was reading the chapters. i cant stand people who are like eddie and i’d never be able to handle them at all lmaoo sotuhji

    Yes thank you! It might be because I’ve been reading yaoi for so long but tbh I’m just kinda done with the asshole seme plotline. I don’t care why he’s like that really. I hate how the ukes are alwaysss pressured into doing things and have to deal with spoiled overgrown brats, only to eventually fall for him because the seme brought them a lukewarm coffee once. Like get a man who respects and values you, not one who takes advantage of you. Sorry for the rant lol

    Deadpool October 27, 2020 4:40 pm
    same honestly, idk if it's because i'm older now but ain't nobody got time for that 叶不修

    Honestly. When I first started reading I was like “Omg he’s just so in love he just wants attention” but now that I’ve kinda grown up I can just see it leading to a toxic relationship. Like irl you have to learn to take no for an answer, and ik it’s romanticized here to be persistent but imagine someone treating you like that fr. Ugh

    叶不修 October 27, 2020 5:35 pm
    Honestly. When I first started reading I was like “Omg he’s just so in love he just wants attention” but now that I’ve kinda grown up I can just see it leading to a toxic relationship. Like irl you have... Deadpool

    not respecting boundaries is a big fat red flag in real life, it doesn't matter how handsome or rich someone is, that just means more power they can use against you/to control you. that's gonna be a Nope from me

    Deadpool October 27, 2020 6:27 pm
    not respecting boundaries is a big fat red flag in real life, it doesn't matter how handsome or rich someone is, that just means more power they can use against you/to control you. that's gonna be a Nope from m... 叶不修

    Thank you! Also the GUILT TRIPPING. They always have the audacity to be like “you wont kick me out in the cold right :(“ after they just assaulted him. Like-

    叶不修 October 27, 2020 6:39 pm
    Thank you! Also the GUILT TRIPPING. They always have the audacity to be like “you wont kick me out in the cold right :(“ after they just assaulted him. Like- Deadpool

    bitch kick him to the curb so his uber ride (the garbage truck) can pick him up tmrow morning and bring him home!!!!!

    Enchiri October 27, 2020 6:46 pm

    That's what i'm feeling this whole series. Just angst against the celebrity.

    Deadpool October 27, 2020 7:21 pm
    bitch kick him to the curb so his uber ride (the garbage truck) can pick him up tmrow morning and bring him home!!!!! 叶不修

    FORREALLLL. It’s why I get so excited whenever I see a uke with a backbone. Or even when they get one (like DG in Bj Alex, he was my KING when he recognized his boundaries and limitations). Honestly I basically worship Megumi & Tsugumi, I usually avoid ABOs (holyyyyy shit don’t get me started on that) but they have such a healthy, consensual, equal, respectful relationship even with their pasts and I STAN

    Deadpool October 27, 2020 7:22 pm
    That's what i'm feeling this whole series. Just angst against the celebrity. Enchiri

    God. I was so excited at first when he didn’t take shit from Eddie but now...well, you saw my rant. Damn.

    sotuhji October 27, 2020 10:06 pm
    Yes thank you! It might be because I’ve been reading yaoi for so long but tbh I’m just kinda done with the asshole seme plotline. I don’t care why he’s like that really. I hate how the ukes are alwaysss... Deadpool

    omg exactly! i just read the raws for this manhwa and honestly i couldn’t get into it no matter how “lovey dovey” they were cause i’m still upset because of eddie. we really need to move on from this shitty seme shows “kindness” once and uke falls head over heels for them trope it’s not healthy or fun to read

    blueninja89 October 27, 2020 10:32 pm
    omg exactly! i just read the raws for this manhwa and honestly i couldn’t get into it no matter how “lovey dovey” they were cause i’m still upset because of eddie. we really need to move on from this sh... sotuhji

    We need to get over this in general, in society and pop culture that toxic or emotionally damaging men are redeemed by falling with whom they harm. It’s pervasive in all forms of media. literally everyone on another comment thread are bending over backwards to suck the dick of an author who’s written a small Seme/ big uke plot where the seme was sexually abused as a child so his raping of his current partner is excusable. And this is just an extreme of the trope. it’s seriously disgusting how it’s our biggest and most widely accepted fantasy and objectively speaking the most popular trope among women and even men of all backgrounds and ages because are conditioned from a young age that this is normal. Why wouldn’t we then fantasize and sexualize such a “normal” dynamic.

    Deadpool October 28, 2020 4:34 am
    omg exactly! i just read the raws for this manhwa and honestly i couldn’t get into it no matter how “lovey dovey” they were cause i’m still upset because of eddie. we really need to move on from this sh... sotuhji

    Yessssssss. It honestly promotes such toxicity in relationships. ALSO, whenever the uke gets upset why are they always to blame??? Like they will be neglected, ignored, guilt tripped, and assaulted and in the end they end up apologizing. I can count on one hand the number of times a seme has apologized even after doing really shitty stuff

    Deadpool October 28, 2020 4:38 am
    We need to get over this in general, in society and pop culture that toxic or emotionally damaging men are redeemed by falling with whom they harm. It’s pervasive in all forms of media. literally everyone on ... blueninja89

    Yes! I know fiction does not equal reality, but it’s WAY too obvious irl how prevalent it is. Even from a young age, girls are told guys and hurt them because they have a crush on the girl. And it’s become way to normalized for people to not respect other’s boundaries in the name of love. And ESPECIALLY in yaoi there’s such a power imbalance. The seme’s way is law, and literal rape is just considered normal.

    sotuhji October 28, 2020 12:49 pm
    We need to get over this in general, in society and pop culture that toxic or emotionally damaging men are redeemed by falling with whom they harm. It’s pervasive in all forms of media. literally everyone on ... blueninja89

    it’s actually scary how young impressionable audience that reads yaoi are being conditioned to think that things like this are okay, and i used to be part of that audience and as i’ve grown older i started to hate these tropes because of how much influence it can have on people so easily. and ik the other manga you’re talking about; i was really upset with that plot too and somehow the uke has to feel bad for the seme despite what he’s been put through (which is in no way excusable at all).

    sotuhji October 28, 2020 12:53 pm
    Yessssssss. It honestly promotes such toxicity in relationships. ALSO, whenever the uke gets upset why are they always to blame??? Like they will be neglected, ignored, guilt tripped, and assaulted and in the e... Deadpool

    omg don’t even get me started on the manipulative and gas-lighting behaviour from the seme -truly disgusting. i have yet to read a manga where the uke always stands his ground and doesn’t tolerate bullshit from anyone.

    Deadpool October 28, 2020 3:58 pm
    it’s actually scary how young impressionable audience that reads yaoi are being conditioned to think that things like this are okay, and i used to be part of that audience and as i’ve grown older i started ... sotuhji

    Yeah I know what you mean. I started reading pretty young when I wasn’t really mature enough to realize what was wrong with the relationships. I’ve gotten older and am able to pick up on it better, but it’s still really unfortunate that I was kinda conditioned to think it was okay, especially because the yaoi community as a whole has kinda become numb to really toxic relationships so I never really saw anyone bring it up. I’m not blaming anyone, but looking at the bigger picture it’s hard to think that there are and were literal 12 year olds reading rape-to-love mangas and seeing nothing wrong. I still read yaoi, but there’s a lot of popular ones I avoid just because of how unhealthy the relationships are and how normalized it is.

    Deadpool October 28, 2020 4:01 pm
    omg don’t even get me started on the manipulative and gas-lighting behaviour from the seme -truly disgusting. i have yet to read a manga where the uke always stands his ground and doesn’t tolerate bullshit ... sotuhji

    Thank you! Like I have to deliberately look it up to find ones with ukes who can stand their ground. Personally I’d recommend Megumi & Tsugumi, the uke (who is an omega!) is never thought of as lesser or weak by the seme and is portrayed as really strong and tough and stubborn. Also if you’re willing to read like 50 chapters in Bj Alex DG eventually realizes his worth and does what’s good for him, even with pressure from the seme. But yes, it really sucks

    sotuhji October 28, 2020 5:44 pm
    Yeah I know what you mean. I started reading pretty young when I wasn’t really mature enough to realize what was wrong with the relationships. I’ve gotten older and am able to pick up on it better, but it�... Deadpool

    exactly i still find it hard to believe that i didn’t find anything wrong with things like this back then and now i can hardly read mangas that have tropes that portray toxic and immoral behaviour. it’s even worse now because people actually start defending some of these characters and mangas like their life depends on it and it baffles me (especially on tiktok some of the stuff i see i’m just )

    sotuhji October 28, 2020 5:49 pm
    Thank you! Like I have to deliberately look it up to find ones with ukes who can stand their ground. Personally I’d recommend Megumi & Tsugumi, the uke (who is an omega!) is never thought of as lesser or ... Deadpool

    thank you for ur suggestions! i’ve already read those two and while i agree that both the ukes were very firm in their beliefs i’d say it was still somewhat lacking since alex treated DJ like shit before the change in their dynamic and it hurt dj a lot and personally if it were me i don’t think i’d be able to look past alex’s old behaviour and just get together with him because he’s supposedly “changed” idk maybe it’s because i’m stubborn and don’t forgive easily lmao. and the omega one was pretty good too i really liked their dynamic in that one, they communicated well with each other and weren’t always crazy with hormones ya know.

    Deadpool October 29, 2020 2:07 am
    exactly i still find it hard to believe that i didn’t find anything wrong with things like this back then and now i can hardly read mangas that have tropes that portray toxic and immoral behaviour. it’s eve... sotuhji

    Oh god for real. People get so defensive over it too, but my problem is less that the behavior is included and more that it’s romanticized and normalized. If you must have something like that make sure that it isn’t portrayed as how stuff should be. But wow, there’s so many I straight up refuse to read because they get borderline abusive and it’s portrayed as romantic

    Deadpool October 29, 2020 2:10 am
    thank you for ur suggestions! i’ve already read those two and while i agree that both the ukes were very firm in their beliefs i’d say it was still somewhat lacking since alex treated DJ like shit before th... sotuhji

    Yeah it took a longgggggg time for DG to drop Alex, and while he did take him back in the end I was thankful that he stood his ground. I liked how it showed how he was able to live a fulfilling life even after ending it with Jiwon, but damn there were many times I had to take breaks because it frustrated me how he was treated

Deadpool October 26, 2020 4:56 pm

Okay but fuck the seme from the last story, this is just my opinion but the uke did nothing wrong? The seme neglected him, didn’t acknowledge his emotions, broke of contact, and then expected an apology?!? If I knew the uke irl I know for a damn fact I would tell him to break up with the seme. Fuck the seme

    Lexi December 31, 2020 7:23 pm

    Yesss lol, shitty seme u.u

Deadpool October 24, 2020 5:33 am


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