Cece answered question about question
I feel like most eyes made you look kinda asian so eh
Cece answered question about question
I mean I just look like your average blonde Scandinavian girl lmao
Cece created a topic of Warau Oni ni wa Fuku Kitaru

I’m probably in the minority here but I couldn’t really enjoy the story despite the sweetness and lack of problematic themes. I just didn’t like the dynamic between the main characters. It feels way way way too heteronormative!! If you replaced the bottom with a girl no one would even notice, even down to his looks and his damn chest/nipples screams “I’m a girl in disguise”. Doesn’t help when the top is double his size and 10 times manlier. I don’t know, I just get turned off when the dynamic is too obviously straight coded, but it that’s just me. I liked the grandpa a lot tho!!

Cece answered question about thank yaoi for existing
Junjou Romantica, watched the anime first Katekyo! was always among the first ones I read. I don't really like any of them today anymore, but back then I ate it up lmao.
Cece add 1 photos to Commentary

hello this manga was so hot lmao

Cece answered question about question
As someone who has been reading BL since I was 14 (27 now), there have been times where I read it less (or not at all) because it didn't hit the same way. If you don't think it's giving you pleasure and enjoyment like it used to, maybe it's time to take a break and widen your horizons!
Cece created a topic of Iki Dekinai no wa Kimi no Sei

Now this is exactly what a good fluffy BL should look like! It's a perfect example to prove that BL can have a healthy and consensual relationship with good communication WITHOUT being boring!! I had a blast reading the whole thing.

Cece add 1 photos to Commentary

STOP THATS SO FUCKING ADORABLE I LOVE THESE IDIOTS (we love a confident non-jealous king)

Cece answered question about applying edging to your life
Why aren't y'all keeping this in the chainsaw man page?? Some people here are anime only and want to avoid spoilers rip
Cece answered question about applying edging to your life
Cece answered question about applying edging to your life
Possessiveness, jealousy, lack of their own opinions and sense of self, when they don't take care of themselves or has blankets instead curtains, don't know how to communicate or when they get mad and jump to conclusions, immaturity, when they are waaaay too sexual, when they don't ask me questions and only talk about themselves...
Cece add 1 photos to Commentary

STOOOOOOOP pls just let yacchan WIN

Cece answered question about going to concerts
The whole seme x uke/ top x bottom trope!!!! PLEASE GIVE ME MORE SWITCHES. Heteronormativity in BL is soooooooo annoying. If I wanted to read straight romance, I'd read a straight romance. Pushover characters (especially girls or bottoms) is the most boring type of character. Asshole male leads. You can make a character a red flag without making......
Cece answered question about going to concerts
The whole seme x uke/ top x bottom trope!!!! PLEASE GIVE ME MORE SWITCHES. Pushover characters (especially girls or bottoms) is the most boring type of character. Asshole male leads. You can make a character a red flag without making them act like a complete asshole towards the MC. Love triangles sucks most of the times. If you're gonna include ......
Cece created a topic of Kimi no Sumire

This was so sweet and simple, loved it!! I also liked how they incorporated some old school art with a more modern style, it was very beautiful. Too bad we didn't get to see them switch though, I love switch couples.

Cece created a topic of Sating the Wolf
Cece answered question about your opinions
I didn't think it was gonna be that bad... I... I'm... I did not need to see that. I would have been happier not ever having read this.
Cece created a topic of Chiguhagu na Kiss

Ugghhhhhhh this was adorable!!! Just the right amount of drama and fluff.