The story just rubs me the wrong way. Not because of the cheating itself, but the way it was handled. I also don't really think there was a point to the story, or message to deliver. The only thing I got from it was that they "matured" together? Which I don't think is true in this case. They didn't even really have any kind of conversation with each other about what happened, they just spent some time apart and then got back together again. In order to gain back trust you'll need to talk about it!! A lot!! And they didn't. Sure, one of them might have had some thoughts in his head about why he ended up cheating, but he didn't express any of that to his partner...
A break up would have been much more realistic and satisfying, tbh!
I diiid like how they were a reversible couple tho, the only good thing about this story lol
Okay but Nari's boobs aren't even small???