QUESTION!! Has this been marinated enough to read yet?? Like are they an established couple?? (No spoilers pls) Or should I wait? I wanna read it so bad rip

I binge read the first season a couple weeks ago. While it does end in quite a cliffhanger, I think that it does close an arc in their relationship and opens a new path for them. They are already a couple that solidly loves each other, but their relationship isn't the healthiest since blond guy doesn't want to seem vulnerable in front of his bf and on the other hand the dark hair guy has serious attachment and trust problems. Anyways, I do think it's a good time for you to start reading since the 2nd season release is approaching and you'll be able to think about the story before more chapters start coming out :)

Loved it! Such a cute heartwarming story. Perfect when you just want some fluff. That being said, what the fuck was up with the 2nd couple? Literally without any build up whatsoever they break up and do a 8 year time skip??? Where the hell did that even come from??? I didn't really enjoy the 2nd couple to begin with, I kinda wish it was excluded all together and either focused more on the first or just ended earlier. But when they suddenly threw that in there it just killed off whatever sliver of an interest had left for them lmao.

After finally giving this a try I have to say I'm not really feeling it that much at all. The plot is fun and I love the Taekjoo, he's the light of this manhwa!! Zhenya is VERY pretty but he doesn't stand out to me personality wise. But the biggest issue I'm having with this manhwa is not even the rape, it's the lack of chemistry between the main characters?? I don't feel the romantic or even sexual tension between them at all. It's so subtle and small that I can barely grasp it. And that makes the relationship between them very hard to enjoy.
Idk, maybe the novel will change how I feel about it (so far it hasn't but we'll see as I continue reading lmao).

I'm really not happy about all these dumbasses in the comments spoiling banana fish ending. Thanks for that!!!!!!

Something I learned "ALWAYS BE PREPARED WHEN READING ANY TYPE OF COMMENTS" !. Read with caution! ╥﹏╥. I remember when avengers end game came out, I was so excited! I was reviewing a restaurant in Google maps when some fuck head ruined the ending for me ! I was so shocked and I teared up holding myself (/TДT)/. ALWAYS tread with caution. Try reading the titles and how to skip spoiler comments if possible(/TДT)/

I went in reading this kind of blind but here are my thoughts so far.
I feel like this has been a wasted potential manhwa for me, sadly. I had really high hopes and expectation up until the first time they went all the way. I was at the edge of my seat constantly up til that point!!! I loved it. Until then all their interactions had at least been somewhat consensual (although Ilay was pushy), and when Ilay just suddenly raped him WITHOUT ANY PREPARATION AT ALL with no warning whatsoever I seriously just blanked out for a few seconds cuz I didn't expect it at all. I haven't read a "zero preparation sex scene" in a long time. Huge turnoff by itself. I had been looking forward to Tay opening up to the idea of bottoming without being forced to do it. Kind of being convinced? After that it has just kept going downhill. I understand that this is a dark manhwa, which is partly why I loved it, but the whole increase in non-con, and now confinement... I'm just not into the route it has decided to take. I wish they could have made Ilay kinda cray cray without the non-con. I don't mind the cat and mouse game at all, but it would have been a thousand times better without the non-con imo.
Well, I'm in too deep not to finish it now, and there's still a lot of things I love about it. It's just that it didn't live up to my expectations lmao.

Okay I just finished reading it so here are my thoughts:
What I enjoyed:
+ how they were both really tall and around the same height
+ the initial slow burn was INTENSE I loved that, I got so emotional at the climax I was even close to crying just from the overwhelming emotions lmao
+ I love how down bad they both are for each other
+ the artstyle is very pretty
What I didn't like:
- Seoyoon can be SO DAMN frustrating sometimes I swear to God! Not only does he often feel fake as fuck by acting like someone he's not (and lies about his relationship history to "make a better impression"??), but he's super pushy. When they had sex for the first time, he kept pushing Yun to keep going despite it being his first time and saying no. The next day he was covered in bruises and hickeys, and he didn't even care? I don't know, it just screams that he's selfish and it's NOT attractive. He also seem very insecure which doesn't make a lot of sense, but the worst thing is how he handles it.
- Both of them suck at communicating, which is fine to an extent, but when it drags on chapter after chapter it's more frustrating than exciting.
- Too many jealousy plots after they got together, it's boring and wasn't done in an exciting way.
Although I'm also a little surprised that Dooshik did these things to Jooha, did you guys seriously think Dooshik was a green flag before? He was never a green flag he just didn't go to the extent of raping his partner LMAO.
He wasn't a green flag, true, but he wasn't this, whatever this is, either. That is why everyone is so surprised/disappointed.
Yeah, that's what I said in my comment so I'm not coming for the people being surprised and disappointed (I was too). I'm just addressing the comments saying he was a green flag when he obviously wasn't.