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MamaHime October 28, 2017 1:11 am

Yeah not really my cup of tea, and thats pretty messed up coming from me.

MamaHime August 31, 2017 1:08 am

love hurts, but sometimes it's a good hurt...

MamaHime's questions ( All 4 )

MamaHime October 25, 2017 3:25 pm

Looking for a yoai manga that is set in a highschool where one guy is in love with his teacher but a class mate who is on a swim team offers to be a substitute and the start sleeping together you find out later that the teacher is actually in love with the swim guys brother.

MamaHime September 20, 2017 6:11 pm

I am looking for a manga where they meet in school one is a handsome prince type and the other is really chubby. The princely one ends up hurting the other feelings because some people are talking about him. Oh and the uke was always growing things in the school garden.
It's not the manga Tsukiatte Agete mo Ii n Dakara ne. Does anyone have any ideas?

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