Can someone help me find a manwha? I forgot to bookmark it.
It's shoujo genre and the premise is that chosen special people get invitations to a sort of secret club where they can find their true/destined love. When accepting the invitation, the person assumes another identity as a disguise.
MC was forced into an unhappy marriage where her husband was abusive. On the night she was about to jump off a window to end it all, an owl delivering a letter flew in front of her(the symbol of the club)
She accepts it and her brown hair turned this gorgeous colour of black.

Okokok so--i just recently remembered this CN manhua i've read a few months ago and i want to go back reading it again but i got a new phone so i lost all my history...i also didnt add it in my readibg list...oops
Anyways--both MC and ML are actors who don't know each other, one is popular and the other is meh on the ranking list but their fans hate each other a lot and often find reasons to hate the other. It's even speculated that the 2 actors dislike eachother as well.
Well--the two endes up acting in a historical drama and the MC, while feeling down about his own acting, found out a group of fans who were shipping him and the ML, well, the MC endes up becoming a shipper himself and decided to join the fandom.

Need finding a shoujo isekai manga.
Basically, premise is the MC gets transported into her favourite BL novel. She was excited at first until she realized she was one of the capture target's younger sister, whose fate was to basically become a baby making machine for the main couple. Knowing her fate, she does all she can to avoid it but ends up being mistaken as someone who doesn't approve of her brother's lover.
Can someone help me?

Back here again cuz I need to find one certain BL. Romance between a wandering monk(?) And a supposed cursed child.
What I can remember: so--kid is deemed cursed by the people of his village, his family gets banished(but his mom doesn't hate him for it) they settled down in an abandoned shrine I think??? The kid can communicate with animals or something. Time skip and I believe mother passed on, then a wandering monk comes in, stays with kid for a while, stuff happened, kid "curses" his village and he and the monk leaves on a journey. Joined by their wolf friend(I think it was a wolf anyway). They arrive at a big city, misunderstandings. I think someone crisscrossed, more stuff happen, then the manga ends when they ride on a boat. All I can remember

I can't remember the name so I need help. Basically, what I can remember is that the seme is an angel while the uke was a lonely rich kid who threw money at anyone who kind to him. Angel was sent down to help him I believe but things happened, a senior angel was sent down to retrieve the Angel MC and more stuff happened that I couldn't remember.

Need help to find another BL!!! This time, two of the MCs are actors, very popular actors. The author is obviously a fan of Sherlock and designed their characters based on Sherlock and Watson. The seme who looks like Sherlock is smitten with the uke who looks like Watson. Their fandom ships them hard, and seme I think reads fanfics of their ship??? Though, happy times gets interrupted with a "love rival". Uke gets a role in another film with another male co-star who seems to like him. Seme is jello and stuff happens.

Back here again cuz I couldn't find the manga i wanted to read in my bookmark rip.
So--it's a BL manga where the uke and seme are both business men. Both of the characters are very beautiful men and are popular at work but the uke is more sociable and the seme is colder I think??? And the uke tries to help him get along with the co-workers...idk--but it's revealed that uke used to be really ugly back when he was younger and I think he might got bullied because of it so he does all these skin care routines to keep himself beautiful. he keeps this secret because he feel ashamed about it and well--seme finds out about it. Seme doesn't really give a shit and actually reveals he admires/likes the uke.
Hope this is enough info.

it's this one, i think??
PLEASE HELP!!!! I read this angsty manga a while ago and i completely forgot to bookmark it :(
The story is that MC met this guy in college and they got together. Things were pretty serious till they broke up or MC founds ML to be cheating, i don't remember but the thing is, it ends with MC almost dropping out of uni and stays bedridden for months, very suicidal.
THE IMPORTANT POINT IS, years after uni, there's brekaing news that a meteor will impact earth and people start panicking cus the shards already impacted earth. Causing basically an pre apocalypse. Mc and ML meets again, they get 2 tag alongs and they go on a journey. Oh also ML hooked up with an idol who comitted suicide in his house so there's that detail.
I wanna read it again cus i wanna cry.
Oh also the ending was that the earth avoided the meteor cus one of the MC's group was a latent psychic and basically willed the meteor away(basucally ended up whizzing pass earth)
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu
/ the end of the world with you ??
Thank you!