This is the type of drama I like when I can binge read, this whole reading weekly updates is killing me! (I normally catch up, than start reading other works forgetting about the first until it reappears in my stream or I remember and want to continue) this way I'm in constant binge mode. Only this series has got me coming back almost every week, and I hate it! I just want to BINGE

I kinda want to see MC find a way to give him back his heart. Although because this would be breaking a promise / oath, she would probably lose all of her magic, but I think that's a better outcome than forgiving him and living happy ever after. Too many stories like that, and too cliche. Women should not be so forgiving when the ML pulls shit like that (although this is never gunna happen cuz book and HE)

Am I the only one who thinks that the emperor is using some magic powers to enter her dreams? Aka, he already knows about everything, and thus is purposely trying to communicate with her. She just doesn't realize it's not just a dream. And he only demoted her because she got caught by vengeful blond, and he wants to protect her.
Anybody else notice that right after Nakyum woke up from his trans panic attack, the first person he saw and assumed to be by his side was Seungho? He unconsciously at least believes that Seungho will save him. This might be though because he literally has no one else by his side before his sister showed up, but still.
Lol! No.
It really did happen. Seungho was by his side. Remember he was holding Nakyum hands , tracing the knot in his hands. Thinking it all makes sense. That the marks is the prove that he was being kidnapped. He put nakyum hands in his forehead.Felt Regret, sorry. An action of being apologetic. And then Nakyum succumb to his sleep again. And when He wake up it was noona.
U r a dummy
Ya, that might also be the case, there are many reasons to describe, I was just picking one of the more potential underlying reasons, cuz I could, and cuz I like to overthink
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I want to correct you. People might think likewise. So that they could go back to understand it comprehend what the author is actually trying to potray.
That's fair. No stone should be left unturned in the world of novel speculation XD