Piper March 1, 2021 6:30 pm

This is the first time I've seen the comment section of a dark book be so positive! I guess the title deterred any HE lovers XD

Piper February 27, 2021 11:37 pm

This story reminds me a ton of Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures, except that one has triplets instead of twins, but quite a lot of similarities with a much more complicated / better explained plot.

    Piper February 27, 2021 11:38 pm

    Btw Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures is a novel.

Piper February 18, 2021 7:02 am

I don't get it? "All of these people are here to embarrass me!"
"Don't worry, I won't be manipulated!" *Proceeds to throw wine all over a girl's gown, then RIP HER OWN GOWN?!?!* as if it's badass and not just crap court etiquette. According to logic, no sane person would side with MC after that, it'd just confirm the rumors that MC is a beast, and that she's uneducated and a barbarian.she didn't get away from her sister's trap, she just embarrassed herself more. I'm all up for strong MCs, but you got to work with your environment, not against it. Slowly changing people's views and perspectives with meticulous plot and strategy. I don't mind this change in pase with physically strong MC, but that was no power move she just did. That was cringe.

Okay, thank you for listening to my TEDtalk. I await being bashed in the comments now.

    jhsyugen February 18, 2021 7:04 am

    Agreed. But who do you think is an actual badass mc? I need some recs

    Kookie February 18, 2021 7:10 am
    Agreed. But who do you think is an actual badass mc? I need some recs jhsyugen

    Melissa from beware of the villainess

    Alenira February 18, 2021 7:18 am

    Wrong. That was a power move, she ruined her sisters plan and shoved her sister that no mater how many chesspieces she uses, they wont be able to beat FL because they are all just nobel daughters where as Fl is a princess with a given name and the strength of 10men. Also you say she embarased herself with lack of court etiquette? Ehm the reason they targeted her is because her sister has told everyone for years that Fl is just a vild violent beast in human form with no etiquette, so why should Fl give a crap about etiquette? They would all just say she is mimicing her sister! Fl showed not only her sister and the nobeldaughter that she isnt afraid to expose herself if threatend, but also caught the atention of her father, brothers and all nobel men at the ball. She showed all of these men a rare sight! A woman who dosnt put on a fake smile and laught at insults thrown at her, but a strang woman who will trample any who stand in her way!. Oh and the Ex-fiance that the sister stole. Guess what, that show also caught his atention.

    Yanderelover February 18, 2021 7:19 am
    Agreed. But who do you think is an actual badass mc? I need some recs jhsyugen

    I think that someone that uses words instead of actions is always more badass. Especially since words can hurt more. I want to see them not being able to say shit cuz she outsmarts them.

    Nayeonight February 18, 2021 7:23 am

    That girl was talking shit about her tho. She isn't trying to make people like her she wants people to fear her. She wants girls like that to know her place. She isn't here to play the nice girl she's here to fuck shit up for people who treated her badly. Some mc's do it through words cuz they aren't physically strong enough to fight people but this mc is strong enough. Tbh if I saw people like that making fun of me I would start swinging too

    Kookie February 18, 2021 7:24 am
    Wrong. That was a power move, she ruined her sisters plan and shoved her sister that no mater how many chesspieces she uses, they wont be able to beat FL because they are all just nobel daughters where as Fl is... Alenira

    correct , that really was a badass move we stan strong queens

    Psycho February 18, 2021 7:27 am
    Melissa from beware of the villainess Kookie

    I totally support you with this

    Alenira February 18, 2021 7:49 am

    Why do you think FL's sister hass all of those Nobel girl followers? Its because she herself isnt strong, she is only a princess and her only strength is her reputaion as "inocent, angel" So she uses all of those "pawns" because she cant take the chance of dirtying her name, because without it she has nothing! Ml on the other than has nothing but her name, being a princess, her physical strength from the curse. If ppl fear FL because she donst take shit and fights back both verbaly and physicaly, then she is already miles ahead of her sister whom with one blemish to her character would lose everything!

    Piper February 18, 2021 8:27 am
    Agreed. But who do you think is an actual badass mc? I need some recs jhsyugen

    Hmmm.... I read novels just about as much as I read mangas... So from a manga perspective;

    The Villainess turns the Hourglass (the novel is great too) (deals with the working with environment that I mentioned above)
    Emperor and The Female Knight (physically strong, zero etiquette MC done right)
    Song of the Long March (MC hella smart, and definitely bad*ss.)
    Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (another bad*ss MC with awesome medicine / poison knowledge and great at using her environment. Extreamly smart)
    Hengoku no Schwester (litterally uses her surroundings, hella bad*ss and super smart.)

    Those are the ones I can find off the top of my head, first 2 are quite well known, bottom 3 are not well known mainly because slow updates, but are amazing. Absolutely amazing.
    As for novels:

    Hidden Marriage (completed, and one of the few novels I've finished, MC bad*ss both physically (with guns ლ(´ڡ`ლ) ) and smarts, one of my all time favorite MC actress novels / mangas, the manhua for it doesn't do it justice)
    It's Not Easy to be a Man after Traveling to the Future (MC's smart, strong, and trains for what she has, although she crossdresses to the point she might as well be a boy in a shounen story. Only Mecha series I'd read)
    Black Bellied Miss (hands down the best introverted character I've seen in literature. Also highly bad*ss with maybe too much power, but she ops to use her brains than to show her many trump cards)

    Final thoughts: Chinese manhua are crap, they are often bad with timing and are overall meh, but don't think their novels are the same. Chinese novels can be amazingly good, although they rarely ever end quickly. The novels might look daunting at first, but reading is just to pass the time anyway, if you get bored you can drop half way through, just try them though, you won't regret. (Also you can get for free on websites like readlightnovel . Org or something) hopefully you've found something new to read from this list, they each have their unique charm, and I don't think you'll regret spending time on any one of these books.
    Best regards! (⌒▽⌒)

    Piper February 18, 2021 8:32 am
    I think that someone that uses words instead of actions is always more badass. Especially since words can hurt more. I want to see them not being able to say shit cuz she outsmarts them. Yanderelover

    Agreed. Though there needs to be a mix or else her physical strength is meaningless, I just think that she could use her head more in that situation and create a scene like the one you mentioned

    Piper February 18, 2021 8:38 am
    Wrong. That was a power move, she ruined her sisters plan and shoved her sister that no mater how many chesspieces she uses, they wont be able to beat FL because they are all just nobel daughters where as Fl is... Alenira

    Her sister's plan was to embarrass her and spread rumors about her. She certainly helped her sister with her actions. And just because she realized she was a chess price doesn't mean she totally got out of her situation with her actions. Also her goal isn't to catch the attention of all the guys around her, although knowing this troupe, that's very much what she is going to do. I've read enough books though to know that no matter what action a person, or the MC takes, how it's going to be interpreted (bad*ss or not) is how the audience (not us, the people at the ball, in this example) react to it. And considering this was supposed to be a "bad*ss" move, they are probably going to respond to her positively, making her actions "successful" on some level. I just brought this up because it looks forced. Why commission a dress and spend like 8 pages gushing about it just to rip it? I don't agree with her actions, but the story will go on and she will get better regardless. Just wanted to mention my thought on the matter

    Alenira February 18, 2021 8:41 am
    Agreed. Though there needs to be a mix or else her physical strength is meaningless, I just think that she could use her head more in that situation and create a scene like the one you mentioned Piper

    But atm there is no reason for her to use her head, as everyone belived her to be a braindead vicious violent beast in human form with no etiquet. First of all they would not respect her knowlege no mater how smart he would prove her self to be cecause they would just claim her to be wrong, among the nobels its not knowlege that matters its suport and conections that does and she has neither. No mater how smart she would have proven her self to be, if noone suports her she is seen as dumb. And all of those nobels are already suporting her sister. No matter what she said no mater how smart it would be, it wouldnt reach the ppl outside the banquet and since she dosnt have a good reputation all her sister and her followers need to do is start a rumor that she humiliated herself and looksed stupid andmost would belive it! She made an impression with what she did and rumors would alredy have been spread by nobels and staff, that she is to be feared. That is something ppl would belive!

    Piper February 18, 2021 8:42 am
    Why do you think FL's sister hass all of those Nobel girl followers? Its because she herself isnt strong, she is only a princess and her only strength is her reputaion as "inocent, angel" So she uses all of tho... Alenira

    I like the way you think. Very much true and great analysis on MC and Sister, I just think MC could better blemish her sister without also essentially embarrassing herself, or by slowly changing her own image for the better. Although I already know that is not a detection this manhwa is going to take since MC is going to get with the bad devil dude we just met, so her reputation honestly doesn't matter. The whole situation just felt forced to me though, and cringe, rather than bad*ss which is why I made my initial comment. But I liked your insight!

    Alenira February 18, 2021 8:48 am
    I like the way you think. Very much true and great analysis on MC and Sister, I just think MC could better blemish her sister without also essentially embarrassing herself, or by slowly changing her own image f... Piper

    i know what you mean, but are you taking into acount that Fl was cursed and abandoned by all?. Her sister on the other hand is a beloved sweetheart of the Empired/ kingdome known to be kind and called and angel by the ppl. Even if FL tried to blemish her sister, the problem lies in that her sister uses others as pawns and never gets her hands dirty = no direct profe as its the tool's vs "the angel". And in this case it would be the Beast known for being viloent and mean's words vs the angels words. Who do you think ppl would belive? The princess they know and love, or the monster that was locked away they only know bad stories about.

    Piper February 18, 2021 8:48 am
    But atm there is no reason for her to use her head, as everyone belived her to be a braindead vicious violent beast in human form with no etiquet. First of all they would not respect her knowlege no mater how s... Alenira

    That was a fast response. And I agree. MC doesn't need to "prove" her smarts. In fact, I'd also consider that a bad idea. Right now she has an advantage because everyone underestimates her, they think of her as a barbarian, as uneducated, she could easily use this to her advantage, much more so than she currently is, and in a way where no one would be able to tell it was her, which I hope the author takes advantage of in the future. You other point though, about being feared. That is true, I completely agree in that sense. She doesn't have to prove herself, but her actions, expecially the ripping of a perfectly good dress, hurt me inside...

    Alenira February 18, 2021 8:54 am
    That was a fast response. And I agree. MC doesn't need to "prove" her smarts. In fact, I'd also consider that a bad idea. Right now she has an advantage because everyone underestimates her, they think of her as... Piper

    The problem is that she is already know as a beast. The reason being, during the 10-11 years she was "sealed away"... The king didn use her.. when there was battles. The king would send her in to fingh hoping she would die.. so she has been given the nickname Beast by the knight who saw her rip demons limb from limb at the age of 10!.
    The best way she can gain ppls trust is by relying on the lower class, as nobels dislike her. And the best way to do that is to help them with her strength and batlle experience. Like the hunting competitin, She is the only woman partcipathing in that. And they dont question it because she is strong and know for fighting.

    Darcy February 18, 2021 11:48 am
    Agreed. But who do you think is an actual badass mc? I need some recs jhsyugen



    These fine ladies are queens and they know how to play the game

    Kookie February 18, 2021 1:05 pm
    http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/the_villainess_is_a_marionette/http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/the_way_to_protect_the_female_lead_s_older_brother/These fine ladies are queens and they know how to play the gam... Darcy

    these are just too good

    Alenira February 18, 2021 5:14 pm

    So? This FL is more like MC from http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/beware_of_the_villainess/... Sometimes its nice to have a strong woman, not only mentaly but also physicaly. Because its nice when she dosn't need to rely on guys to kick ahole asses of men and women!

Piper February 13, 2021 1:29 am

That's a girl... Isn't it?

    Piper February 13, 2021 1:30 am

    Nvm, I get it. Should have read the description first

Piper February 5, 2021 8:09 am

This book just went from a 7/10 to a 11/10. God, I love books like this. Get me invested with light fluff, then throw everything in a loop with some deep plot stuff. God yes!
Also if anyone knows any spoiler forms, plzz reply!!!

Piper January 25, 2021 6:23 pm

Zuko and Katara? Is that you? (Jk, haven't read anything yet, but based on image, they look like them...)

    (☞☉—☉) ☞ January 25, 2021 6:31 pm

    I see katara but like how do u see Zuko??

    Piper January 25, 2021 6:38 pm
    I see katara but like how do u see Zuko?? (☞☉—☉) ☞

    Because if MC is Katara, other dude gotta be from the ATLA series too, and Zuko was the first to enter my mind (no scar, but light skin and dark hair, and appears to be very wealthy / from royalty). I guess he could be Jet, but Jet has similar skin tone to katara.

    (☞☉—☉) ☞ January 25, 2021 6:45 pm
    Because if MC is Katara, other dude gotta be from the ATLA series too, and Zuko was the first to enter my mind (no scar, but light skin and dark hair, and appears to be very wealthy / from royalty). I guess he ... Piper

    Lol ML lead would only look like Zuko if Zuko had mental stability and a loving family since birth

    Piper January 26, 2021 6:10 am
    Lol ML lead would only look like Zuko if Zuko had mental stability and a loving family since birth (☞☉—☉) ☞

    Nice burn ;)
    ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Piper January 15, 2021 8:18 pm

I reread the last chapter to prep for today's chapter.... Just to read the message at the very end :'( no chapter this week...

    Gdgdgdg January 15, 2021 10:18 pm

    Literally me right now

Piper January 9, 2021 7:19 am

Anybody else notice that right after Nakyum woke up from his trans panic attack, the first person he saw and assumed to be by his side was Seungho? He unconsciously at least believes that Seungho will save him. This might be though because he literally has no one else by his side before his sister showed up, but still.

    Demirah January 9, 2021 7:27 am

    Lol! No.
    It really did happen. Seungho was by his side. Remember he was holding Nakyum hands , tracing the knot in his hands. Thinking it all makes sense. That the marks is the prove that he was being kidnapped. He put nakyum hands in his forehead.Felt Regret, sorry. An action of being apologetic. And then Nakyum succumb to his sleep again. And when He wake up it was noona.

    Lark January 9, 2021 7:34 am

    U r a dummy

    Piper January 9, 2021 8:47 am
    Lol! No. It really did happen. Seungho was by his side. Remember he was holding Nakyum hands , tracing the knot in his hands. Thinking it all makes sense. That the marks is the prove that he was being kidnapped... Demirah

    Ya, that might also be the case, there are many reasons to describe, I was just picking one of the more potential underlying reasons, cuz I could, and cuz I like to overthink
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Demirah January 9, 2021 9:47 am
    Ya, that might also be the case, there are many reasons to describe, I was just picking one of the more potential underlying reasons, cuz I could, and cuz I like to overthink ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Piper

    I want to correct you. People might think likewise. So that they could go back to understand it comprehend what the author is actually trying to potray.

    Piper January 10, 2021 2:19 am
    I want to correct you. People might think likewise. So that they could go back to understand it comprehend what the author is actually trying to potray. Demirah

    That's fair. No stone should be left unturned in the world of novel speculation XD

Piper January 3, 2021 3:43 am

This is the type of drama I like when I can binge read, this whole reading weekly updates is killing me! (I normally catch up, than start reading other works forgetting about the first until it reappears in my stream or I remember and want to continue) this way I'm in constant binge mode. Only this series has got me coming back almost every week, and I hate it! I just want to BINGE

Piper January 3, 2021 2:33 am

Omg, so cute! He acts just like my cat, getting all sticky and clingy after being left along for a short period of time.

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