yes! suu learning how to play the game! getting back at these scheming little bitches. ok, so I hope he 'wishes' Sahara to free Nadan and then tricks Sahara, as well, into escaping. Because I think maybe the 'I want power' wish might be a like a decoy? to get what he really wants? if that makes sense lol
I can't wait for the next update!
the raws.
to be honest, at first I liked Master Jihwa even though he was obviously supposed to be the 'evil other partner'. I guess I just like bratty ukes who know what they want. I was hoping the author would eventually make a spin-off with his character.
so I am disappointed but not surprised that they author felt determined to really make him a bad guy in this latest chapter (attempt to hire a hit man for bby Nakyum).
Jihwa is still NOTHING compared to the awful being who is the learned sir, whatever his name is (sorry).
To those who are confused (spoiler):
Mr. Yeo and his men (the businessmen people) went to the house of Mr. Oh Myungsuk because he was a traitor who stole info from 'Hwasa' (we don't know who Hwasa is yet, but assuming he's the leader of the gang).
Instead of finding the traitor Mr. Oh at the house, though, the businessmen finds this snarky twinky uke.
They decide not to turn him over to the police for trespassing. They don't know his identity/ his relationship to Mr. Oh.
Mr. Yeo decides to keep him chained up in his apartment. Normal stuff.
tbh, I don't know what they mean by the uke being 'arrested'. I really think that this was a mistranslation and it's meant to be 'caught'.
anyways, that's the rundown.
so pretty much, Haesoo pushed the 'model identity' article forward to protect Taku from the 'Taku porn video' article, which would have come out instead. But as a result, he's been really hurt because of it. and he can't get comfort from Joowon without making it seem like his own actions were not intentional, or that he was "manipulated" by Taku when these were, in fact, his own caring and selfless choices.
Now it seems like his coworker might want to push drama into the article, further tainting his image.
I just feel really sorry for him.
thank god, an update. so much to unpack!
poor Suu! I just want to wrap him up and protec. I feel like he constantly gets trapped in these web of traps and lies; everyone just wants to use him for their own gain. it's so frustrating to watch!
I like that he wants power. he wants to free himself from his situation and, more than anything, I hope that he does. I just hope that once he gets said power, he won't change.
No one deserves him. not a soul so far.
this is actually so much better than I thought it would be. they gave the omega a backbone, which I wasn't expecting. I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapters!