Hua Cheng March 18, 2025 8:45 pm


    sapphire March 18, 2025 9:25 pm

    real urghggs i literally way too ahead than the mangago notification itself yet I CANNOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER WEEK AGAIN someone need to do amygdalohippocampectomy surgery to me and remove this manhwa from my hippocampus so that i can live in peace without a constant thought about this

    Hua Cheng March 18, 2025 10:41 pm
    real urghggs i literally way too ahead than the mangago notification itself yet I CANNOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER WEEK AGAIN someone need to do amygdalohippocampectomy surgery to me and remove this manhwa from my hippo... sapphire


Hua Cheng February 22, 2025 10:55 am


Hua Cheng February 10, 2025 12:19 pm

How does this have 9.1 stars?? Ts was mad boring and the characters were bland asf

Hua Cheng February 1, 2025 4:08 pm

I just gonna give a warning to people who wanna read this. The ml is horrible. If you’ve read erha, yk what I mean. The ml is like taxian-jun.

    Poporodororo February 1, 2025 4:24 pm

    Is there any redemption like moran did?

    Hua Cheng February 1, 2025 4:35 pm
    Naur!!Is there any redemption like moran did? Poporodororo

    Kinda? The ml does end up regretting his actions and allat. For me it felt like the mc easily forgave the ml but maybe it’s just me that wanted to see the ml suffer more lmao. I personally enjoyed the story cuz I love when mls regret everything.

    Poporodororo February 1, 2025 4:46 pm

    Same, love when ml regrets.
    Thankyou for the reply

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ February 1, 2025 5:57 pm
    Naur!!Is there any redemption like moran did? Poporodororo

    There is big redemption arc worth it spoiler -
    *Redemption arc of seme****~~
    ╰(➝ it actually worth it after uke left with his friends kesha they escaped to another country not uke's village vera, seme on the other hand 3 weeks didn't let anyone know that uke escaped the northern palace he eventually expected uke to come back to him but not that he was not using imperial palace soldier instead private own investigators and mercenaries if palace knows of his escape it would danger uke life cuz he also hurted his same right arm where he actually left scar on uke's right arm and after that seme was in state of insanity crashing everything screaming and thinking about killing uke regretting his decision of ever letting him go after that seme's mother's bother Jessie come to visit seme with information on uke that he is in another country and they would long hair of uke with blood on hairs (uke actually got short here his hair were so beautiful ) anyways seme immediately left for this country and ask for help of his uncle to give him aide and give people to him they all go together and uke was getting chased by assassin group which was aiming for kasha later we get to know that it was uke's father who planted assassin to kill uke and seme anyway ask seme procted injured uke in mountain uke was also on regret that even his death was near he still thinking of seme as they escaped assassin they found abandon Village in mountain and spend their time there both of them were injured and seme didn't wanted uke to get hurt anymore they had awkward confession and uke finally said "i love you" seme said "sorry but then he said if I wasn't so stubborn things wouldn't have reach this far" he whispered in uke ear confession and they had passionate night not thinking world but thinking of it as a dream seme try to change his tone with uke and he also said that "i thought u wouldn't survive if I die but if u die I wil die with you" then uke asked seme "once we leave you will get married?" Seme said i" if you don't want me to i won't just say so" and uke just shut his eyes, later they heard people outside and they escaped and arrow aiming at uke seme used his body as shiled to protect uke and coughed blood he just didn't care at this point even if he die but uke shouldn't die at any cost later he got lots of wounds and try to change his way of talking with uke and become gentler. Seme stare to have seizure if uke is out of his sight always in fear uke will leave him and he just throw stuff in room and become insane so uke just knows seme loves him lot and they have happy ending after uke's father gets his punishment. About kesha it has incest part kesha loves his brother so it would be uncomfortable part but kesha told Ruth that if he ever gets tired of ayle he could come to him and ruth laughed it off, he even told ruth to make ayle to make him his empress.

    Poporodororo February 2, 2025 5:52 am
    There is big redemption arc worth it spoiler -..........*Redemption arc of seme****~~╰(➝ it actually worth it after uke left with his friends kesha they escaped to another country not uke's village vera, se... RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼

    Thankyou so much.
    But the incest part I did not see it coming!
    So confused.

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ February 2, 2025 6:41 am
    Thankyou so much.But the incest part I did not see it coming!So confused. Poporodororo

    Yah but it was not shown there is not much scene of that part overall it's good

Hua Cheng January 31, 2025 3:29 pm

I read the novel and let me say one thing without spoiling. I absolutely love the ml. He may seem like an asshole but gets so much better. He was always a hidden green flag. I love him. Also the mc is a badass.

    Matsusan January 31, 2025 3:38 pm

    Link for the novel??

    Hua Cheng January 31, 2025 3:40 pm
    Link for the novel?? Matsusan

    Its mtl so it can be very confusing to read sometimes

    son of thors January 31, 2025 4:44 pm

    Thank you, I normally avoid omega verse like the plague but because of this comment I'll give this a try and continue reading :D

    Cerealgirl January 31, 2025 6:19 pm
    Thank you, I normally avoid omega verse like the plague but because of this comment I'll give this a try and continue reading :D son of thors

    Before the green is revealed it appears red

    Cerealgirl January 31, 2025 6:20 pm

    I was just starting to learn about Chase he is so pure. I hope Grayson gets fed to a pack of hungry dogs

    Janaris January 31, 2025 7:19 pm

    I have one thing to say. Grayson Miller could go rot in hell

    son of thors January 31, 2025 8:24 pm
    Before the green is revealed it appears red Cerealgirl

    Thank you be because I was scared that this would go down a much different route

    Tôru January 31, 2025 8:38 pm
    I was just starting to learn about Chase he is so pure. I hope Grayson gets fed to a pack of hungry dogs Cerealgirl

    No, we waited too long for his story to let that happen.^^ And think about his future partner, if it needs Grayson to get that guy into a relationship...we can't let him die.
    I find Grayson actually interesting, he often acts so weird, most likely because he can't feel emotions and trying to imitate what others would do...better what he saw others would do? But it is a hit and miss, since it often seems like he can't read the room.XD

    Cerealgirl February 1, 2025 7:38 pm
    No, we waited too long for his story to let that happen.^^ And think about his future partner, if it needs Grayson to get that guy into a relationship...we can't let him die.I find Grayson actually interesting,... Tôru

    You've read the novel? I just read the MTL trans until some chapters in volume 3. Grayson looks like a sociopath who plays with people just cuz he is bored. Bro almost got one of the bodyguards fired bcs he lies. Yeah he does that a lot. Bro is a pathological liar and an irredeemable garbage with no heart. Playful? Sure as playful as evil Fae creature in European mythology

    Tôru February 1, 2025 9:25 pm
    You've read the novel? I just read the MTL trans until some chapters in volume 3. Grayson looks like a sociopath who plays with people just cuz he is bored. Bro almost got one of the bodyguards fired bcs he lie... Cerealgirl

    Yes, I read the novel and the side stories, also the KML and sides stories, so I know he is still alive years later. As I said, he doesn't feel emotions, because he can't, because of the extreme alphas presenting problem. And that is something different for me than someone who actually can and acts like him. I'm not saying that he is not an asshole or good or anything. And the shit he says can do a lot of damage, the outcome is just not always intended. And he knows that not feeling emotions is a problem. For me he is an interesting Character.
    As for him to really change, in 11 days his novel will start beeing released, and since he is paired with Dane, most waited for that for years. Dane is an extreme omega, so his pheromones could have a effect on Grayson.

    Cerealgirl February 1, 2025 9:38 pm
    Yes, I read the novel and the side stories, also the KML and sides stories, so I know he is still alive years later. As I said, he doesn't feel emotions, because he can't, because of the extreme alphas presenti... Tôru

    Gya damn that's some hot tea. Who is Dane? (I read KML too I forgot)

    Hua Cheng February 1, 2025 10:20 pm
    Gya damn that's some hot tea. Who is Dane? (I read KML too I forgot) Cerealgirl

    He’s that red haired guy that helps the ml in KML

    Hua Cheng February 1, 2025 10:21 pm
    He’s that red haired guy that helps the ml in KML Hua Cheng


    Tôru February 1, 2025 11:06 pm
    Gya damn that's some hot tea. Who is Dane? (I read KML too I forgot) Cerealgirl

    Dane Striker, he is the red haired firefighter, Josh's friend for military who in KML helps hide Yeonwoo in the main story and goes shopping with him in the side stories. In KMIYC Josh meets him one time in the main and one time in the side stories. This guy is a fan favorite, but one should not forget that he sleeps around like the alphas do and does not believe in love and family, so kind of a redflag when is comes to relationships, too.

    Cerealgirl February 2, 2025 3:32 am
    Dane Striker, he is the red haired firefighter, Josh's friend for military who in KML helps hide Yeonwoo in the main story and goes shopping with him in the side stories. In KMIYC Josh meets him one time in the... Tôru


    Cerealgirl February 2, 2025 3:33 am
    Dane Striker, he is the red haired firefighter, Josh's friend for military who in KML helps hide Yeonwoo in the main story and goes shopping with him in the side stories. In KMIYC Josh meets him one time in the... Tôru

    I freaking love a red meets red <3

Hua Cheng June 16, 2024 3:56 pm


Hua Cheng June 8, 2024 11:45 pm


Hua Cheng May 28, 2024 2:39 pm

I love how observant Taegu is. It’s so obvious he’s trying to piss seo-in off and I’m here for it

Hua Cheng May 12, 2024 8:26 am

The art is beautiful oml, the style looks like manga but with colors

Hua Cheng April 28, 2024 9:19 am

I swear one of MC’s friends (the one with the undercut) is the ML from dear signal, it has to be, they look so much alike

    Simp4Sukuna April 28, 2024 11:01 am

    i doubt it since love signal is a complete different universe

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