whalien created a topic of I Love You Until Morning

Bruh who is translating this occasionally I run into translations where it seems like it was translated by a person who thinks they know what a person from England talks like but doesnā€™t actually. You canā€™t tell me an English person is translating this cuz thereā€™s just no way nobody talks like this irl

whalien created a topic of Twenty Nights

One of my least favorite tropes is when the FL wakes up the morning after and is like can we pretend this never happened not much has happened so far tho so I have no real opinions rn

whalien created a topic of Happily Divorced

I hope they donā€™t introduce anymore couples. I want to see the rest of the stories they already have

Iā€™m still trying to wrap my head around the timeline and settingā€¦ basically, the rules of their universe.

Itā€™s confusing. FL died, and she transmigrated into someone elseā€™s body inside a novel from Korea. Meanwhile, ML is from that novel originally but he went to FLā€™s world in Korea by following the saintess. When he dies in FLā€™s world, he just goes back in time and back to his world but is still himself. What really confuses me is the Saintess is a character written into the novel. However, she also exists in the real world in Korea? That part is a bit weird to me because how can she be both a fictional and real person? In this universe, FL is a real person supposedly while ML is fictional. So how does the Saintess fit into that if she is a real person but was written into the novel??? Hopefully that makes sense.

Additionally, thereā€™s the thing about espers and guides. In the real world of FL, espers and guides basically classify everyone in society. Every person is either an esper or guide, so itā€™s not particularly anything special. Being an esper or guide is just like any other trait/characteristic for them like brown or blonde hair or blue eyes or brown etc. however, being an esper or guide is for some reason a special characteristic in the novel, as only ML, his brother, and the saintess have those characteristics. To me, thatā€™s a little odd because we have to assume the author of the novel is from FLā€™s world, where espers and guides are just everyday life. Itā€™s strange to me that the author made the ML and brother and Saintess being espers and a guide special characteristics considering itā€™s normal in her world.

At the end of the day, I know itā€™s not that serious lol but it is something I was thinking about while reading. Itā€™d be nice if the author explains it at some point

I love FL but I will say, this kind of storyline tends to frustrate me a little. Iā€™m not a huge fan of when FL decides fo try and help get two characters together and then ends up falling in love with the guy and kinda works against her plan but still verbally claims to be helping them (even tho she is literally interfering). Iā€™d much rather her either pick to help the OG 2nd ML and the OGFL get together full send and the 2nd ML decide to chase her on his own or fully commit to liking him and going with the flow.

whalien created a topic of Meet in The Middle

Someone lmk she she finds out his age im letting this marinate until then

whalien created a topic of Comes In Threes

( ā•­ļæ£ā–½ļæ£)ā•­ If anyone has spoilers they wanna share, feel free to comment them cuz im losing hope.

Im actually kinda stressed for Joon everyone around him is sketch

whalien created a topic of The Cellist

Chapter 89 and 90 pissed me off Hayeon was almost fully in the wrong for how she behaved. She owes him an apology. She misunderstood things on her own, decides to just leave without saying anything, and then yells at him. And to top it all off, he is the only one to apologize? Bro, pregnancy is not a free pass to act like that

whalien created a topic of The Lost Cinderella

Oh my god the translation is so ass that I am literally just looking at the pictures at this point and making up a story in my head.

I looked on novel updates for spoilers and there are very few available. But from the very little that is available, I wonder if this is worth it to read.

whalien created a topic of Lustfully

That first chapter was like BAM here is every single problem all at once lmao Itā€™s almost too much that it feels rushed but lowkey Iā€™m fine with it cuz I just want to skip to the satisfying scenes like FL getting revenge or regret of those around her

whalien created a topic of Slow Melting

canā€™t wait for the revenge arc

I continue to read this because Iā€™m genuinely curious what the conclusion will be. Now that itā€™s been awhile, I think Iā€™ve come to a slight new conclusion about my thoughts on her staying in this marriage. Ultimately, I donā€™t believe marriage is only for couples in love. At the end of the day, marriage is just a legal document that allows for the government to have a say in your relationship with someone. In the US, you sometimes hear of people marrying for the benefits. Or sometimes for a better chance at citizenship. In cases like those, as long as both in the marriage are aware of the circumstances, itā€™s whatever to me. My frustration with FL is that she is closing herself off from ever finding someone new to stay with someone who doesnā€™t feel the same way as her. She loves him romantically while he loves her platonically. Additionally, he cheated on her. I get why he did it. But it was still wrong of him, and if he had any respect for her, he wouldā€™ve come to her first. I just canā€™t understand tying myself down to be with someone who could do that to me.

I think I could be more okay with the dynamic if I knew she had fully come to terms with the fact that their romantic relationship is forever over. Itā€™d maybe even be nice if she was able to have her own romantic partner who doesnā€™t care that sheā€™s married to a gay man and understands her reasons for staying. Of course, thatā€™s very unrealistic in real life but for the sake of this fictitious story, itā€™d be nice.

whalien created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

Can someone explain the last few bits of dialogue at the end of chapter 30??? Iā€™m kinda confused. Her friend tells her to not be too prideful, which kinda felt weird since previous chapters seemed to suggest they had a very positive relationship and now heā€™s criticizing her for being confident?

The translation has generally been good (at least I havenā€™t noticed anything off) so that last bit of dialogue that didnā€™t make sense kinda threw me off. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s just weird translation or Iā€™m not understanding something.

whalien created a topic of Taming the Corrupted

Man I wish the translation was better itā€™s not the worst Iā€™ve seen but there are some parts that really donā€™t make sense

whalien created a topic of RED TEMPTATION

ā€œI shouldā€™ve quit when I had the chanceā€ GIRL IVE BEEN SAYING

For once, Iā€™m literally begging on my knees stop making heroines say cheesy stuff like Iā€™m gonna make you fall for me after they just got told by the ML that essentially the FL isnā€™t good enough to make them wanna change their red flag behavior

whalien created a topic of The Childless Couple

My heart breaks for her. Both of them need therapy to figure out their views on kids. She needs to figure out if she actually wants kids and all that motherhood entails or if she just is not wanting to feel like an outsider. And he needs to figure out if he doesnā€™t want kids or just has hang ups about how her first pregnancy went. And also he needs to stop treating her like an idiot for trying to talk to him about this.

whalien created a topic of Check In to My Heart

I stand by what I said before. We as the readers have an omniscient point of view and for the most part know what all characters are thinking, including what the characters donā€™t know about each other. YES, I KNOW SEOLMIN STILL LOVES AJIN. Itā€™s obvious (and predictable) that he still loved her but for whatever reason just wasnā€™t ready to tell her again yet. I mean, I didnā€™t predict it would be a dumb (kinda cute) reason like the proposal but I knew he still would want get back with her, otherwise he wouldnā€™t have come back. BUT AJIN DOESNT KNOW THAT. To her face, HE SAID NO. And she shouldā€™ve taken that as her answer. At that point, she shouldā€™ve just waited for him to come to her. When someone rejects you, thatā€™s no your cue to amp up your attempts at getting them to accept you. Itā€™s your cue to be like, ā€œThanks for hearing me out. If you change your mind, Iā€™d still love to go out with you.ā€ Always remember, NO MEANS NO.

- and no you canā€™t say Ajin clearly knows he wants her still because dialogue and imagery has proven that she doesnā€™t know that. She thinks sheā€™s trying to win him back.
- the latest chapter is cute and I do like them together

I feel like a select few of you who responded to me last time are either dumb or donā€™t believe in ā€œNo means no,ā€ which brings me back to youā€™re just dumb