whalien created a topic of The Fifth Friend

JAIL I know he was only saying that to get his dad off his back but oh my goddddd of course it’s the worst possible thing he could’ve said and she heard it. I’m praying that she will tell him what she overheard him say but I doubt she will bc these authors like us to suffer

I don’t get why she didn’t just make up some lie to her brother and say that she overheard Jaina say that she is plotting to get close to their family to take the stone to keep her brother from being interested in Jaina

whalien created a topic of The Fifth Friend

I thought we might finally get a “let’s date” moment but instead we get another misunderstanding

whalien created a topic of The Golden Wife-in-Law

I genuinely can’t tell who the target audience is because it’s clearly not for men but is written like it would be to a degree. But on the other hand, most women wouldn’t like this either. It’s one thing for a ML to be toxic but loving towards the FL, but this guy is manipulative, abusive, and nasty towards the FL and actively narrates that he doesn’t love her and feels it’s a chore.

Obviously, this was intended to be for women, given the josei tag, but the storyline sure isn’t acting like it

whalien created a topic of Love Thy Enemy

I wish they would delve more into how his feelings developed for her before her death and how he felt during the years they were apart. It’s barely being touched upon, but I feel like that is an important thing to just gloss over. Maybe it’s coming in future chapters

whalien created a topic of A Child Who Looks Like Me

I hate these MLs sometimes cuz why tf would you think holding her back from doing something she’s trying hard to make it to would at all increase your likeability

whalien created a topic of An Unwholesome proposal

No one is coming before my pets they’re my fur-lifers (▰˘◡˘▰)

whalien created a topic of John Loves Tite

The comment section making me realize a lot of Filipino people read manhwa/manga lol

whalien created a topic of The couple breaker

next chapter better not be them having overheard Taerin say that part about them not really dating

Not to be a hater but can we just have the normal translation and not whatever this dummy version is?? I just want to read the story…

whalien created a topic of Dream of Learning

Does anyone know if this is a reupload? I know I read this on here before but I’m pretty sure I subscribed and that it had a different title but I’m not subscribed to this?? Idk tho. I could be wrong about that

whalien created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

I get it but come on girl why would you say that AFTER you two just made out

whalien created a topic of Snatching The Bride

Good god, whoever chose to upload this, tell me, would YOU be able to read this? the panels are fucked up and so is the translation. Pick a struggle

whalien created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

Oh my goddddddd when will this be me

whalien created a topic of Please Don't Reply!

I can’t help but kinda hate her hair why’d they give her that rat tail looking hairstyle? It’s almost like the jellyfish hairstyle but it just looks so bad. And her forehead is massive

whalien created a topic of Prison Love

I need this plot to get a move on. Idk if anyone else feels this way but when a plot has a long period of being in the same setting and lots of flash backs with little present time development, I lose interest. I’m sure this has potential but this is feeling so boring

whalien created a topic of A Campus Romance, I guess

That chapter just got my blood boiling if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, spreading rumors, how can you even say you’re sorry? But FL also should not stop her bf from confronting her bc she needs to be put in her place

whalien created a topic of An Unwholesome proposal

Whenever something catches my interest, there are so few chapters out

whalien created a topic of A Child Who Looks Like Me

Is he gonna make her stay late because he’s jealous

Also, I stand by my opinion that she should try to clear up the misunderstanding with ML. I get why she’s hesitant. But now that she has all the facts, she should, not for herself but for her daughter. Nobody said she has to get back with him (although we all know she will). She might not be looking for a father for her kid but the child should have the chance to know him if she wants to know him.

I understand the reasons why she might not want to, but I think the pros outweigh the cons. And if she really didn’t want him to find out, she should leave the company to better protect her daughter.

And I’m not butthurt some random a-hole disagrees with me. It’s because they were being rude and acting like we were slow for not agreeing with them. Disagree all you want, but you’re not going to treat me like I’m slow because you’re intolerant of other opinions, especially under my own comment thread. Dumb & her little goonie dumber out here both need to grow up.