Everyone talkin about the segs but im more curious at what happened at the end. Did she SH?? Have an accident? Mincheol almost looks guilty

Penguin127 created a topic of Silver Tree

Pause are people actually mad at vincent? SURE i was mad in earlier chapters but once lea met up with him again and learned his side of the story i felt really bad for him. Lea was a bit spoiled but thru these events she grew and developed and even apologized to vincent. Im not saying vincent is completely faultless but i think hes a character with waay more depth than we thought. I even thought him trying to cheer up lea and her sister was endearing.

Also about balt… ngl i felt bad for him but he did not need to react like that after discovering she had the relic. Ik they didnt spend that much time together but hes always watched her. Shouldnt he know that she would never do it on purpose??


The brother is on the cover too so i wonder how he will become interested in lea? Im still rooting for balt bc im weak to his face. So excited to see how this will continue to unfold. I hope we get to see more characters

Penguin127 created a topic of Infinite Mage

Yea shirone looks like he downgraded in my eyes tbh i dont even mind the art change that much but when it was so detailed changing to what it is now… it doesnt feel has magical as it used to.
Really love the writing tho so ill prob just go to binging it once in a while instead of keeping up regularly like i used to. I miss what u used to be shirone

Why is no one talking about the saintess. I love her character LOL shes so funny. I want her to move to the north and be part of the silly shenanigans up there

Penguin127 created a topic of Coming Some

Wheres chap one?? Unless it starts off like that?

Ohhh i knew the sister was hiding her true thoughts. This is gonna be a very interesting read. Excited to see where the story will go

Penguin127 created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

I was so confused. I usually read a LOT of manhwa so usually ill remember the plot of what im reading mid chap. Finished it confused af and then saw the comments all confused too LOOOL

Glad to see from the comments that im not the only one literally obsessed with them

Something about the mc irks me… it might be the overconfidence which i get but its kind of off putting…

Penguin127 created a topic of North Snow Love Story

The people judging the art style has me so shocked. The characters seem fluid and the art is unique and colorful. Am i the only one who is a big fan??

Oouujgghsh im cryin. With the end of season 1, things have really changed in this new future. Most of his family is still alive and well, and mc is now a nurse who has been writing him letters. I really hope they can have a happy ending. We got a long road of angst ahead of us guys

I get the friend was upset at juliet holding info on the kiss and confession but like… idk i feel like they shouldve talked it out some more instead of abz just blowing up and ending call. Hopefully they resolve their issues soon.

I still dk which ml to root for. I wanna say romeo but he hasnt spent enough time with juliet to really bond with her yet. Currently liking Grey more tho even tho im the type to prefer childhood friend winning LOL

Ohhhh interesting. Will the ml be the protagonist of this story?? I’d really like to see the story fro
His perspective

Penguin127 created a topic of Special Civil Servant

Everyone calling mc babygirl is making me laugh bc ur all so right LOOL

Penguin127 created a topic of Centuria