BabyBlue39 July 1, 2021 3:22 pm

Can someone tell me did he get pregnant for both of his partner or just one

    cissabel July 1, 2021 3:26 pm

    Just one, but his other partner is also considered the father, sorry if that doesn't make any sense

    BabyBlue39 July 1, 2021 3:30 pm
    Just one, but his other partner is also considered the father, sorry if that doesn't make any sense cissabel

    Oh why didn't he get pregnant for the other guy

    usagichan July 1, 2021 3:35 pm
    Oh why didn't he get pregnant for the other guy BabyBlue39

    I think in this world, they can only get pregnant one at a time like people. The wolf asked and then impregnated him right after

    BabyBlue39 July 1, 2021 3:39 pm
    I think in this world, they can only get pregnant one at a time like people. The wolf asked and then impregnated him right after usagichan

    Ohk thanks i wish if he get pregnant for his other partner

    firing_souls July 1, 2021 3:55 pm
    Ohk thanks i wish if he get pregnant for his other partner BabyBlue39


    He will get pregnant for his other partner soon after

    BabyBlue39 July 1, 2021 4:01 pm
    SpoilerHe will get pregnant for his other partner soon after firing_souls

    Awww ok lol you just put a smile on my face thanks

BabyBlue39 July 1, 2021 1:08 am

Ok everyone hear me out do you think that when he finds out about the next baby he gonna let the auntie keeps him since she look like she can't have any children of her own that is if she not up to anything evil tho so do yall think that or just me ps I don't like her she give me bad vibe but if she do good by the baby maybe I can think about it

    Vucx July 1, 2021 1:19 am

    I’d be so pissed if that happened

    Clarissa July 1, 2021 1:23 am

    She's a bad news. When her father didn't accept the baby she got all mean to the baby. To a BABY

    BabyBlue39 July 1, 2021 1:50 am
    She's a bad news. When her father didn't accept the baby she got all mean to the baby. To a BABY Clarissa

    U lie to a baby wow hmmm I'll still give her sometimes tho since she new to this but still she can't do that to a baby I wonder what she really up to tho

BabyBlue39 June 30, 2021 2:32 am

Can anyone give me more stories like this please

BabyBlue39 June 25, 2021 1:28 am

Aww why did they do wooin like that

BabyBlue39 June 24, 2021 12:14 am

Can anyone please tell me what really that BA of a aunt is up to

BabyBlue39 June 17, 2021 1:35 pm

Yoo I really love this webtoon but I really can't see JIWOO getting hurt again he didn't even recovered yet and I can't do anything to help cause bitch I would all of us reading this webtoon would beat a bitch up for our JIWOO baby boy and let me tell you is not 1 or 2 not even 10 of us I'm sure of that

BabyBlue39 June 16, 2021 2:27 am

Can any help Does the boss have his own story

BabyBlue39 June 14, 2021 12:04 pm

I still think some real shit gonna go down i don't know why I have that feeling i really don't want that to happen tho

    Losthope June 14, 2021 12:09 pm

    Yeaaah....... Especially.... when that old crush of seme seems to be planning things...

    BabyBlue39 June 14, 2021 12:17 pm
    Yeaaah....... Especially.... when that old crush of seme seems to be planning things... Losthope

    Really see i know i have a feeling some shit gonna go down i really don't like anything to happen but I hope that's ours boys come out smiling and thanks for telling me

    BabyBlue39 June 14, 2021 12:31 pm
    Really see i know i have a feeling some shit gonna go down i really don't like anything to happen but I hope that's ours boys come out smiling and thanks for telling me BabyBlue39

    I just really hope he don't do anything to bad to them

BabyBlue39 May 29, 2021 1:31 am

Hi everyone good night can someone tell me a little about this i keep seeing it but something is telling me don't read it i don't know something is off putting i don't know if it the cover or what so am asking for little bit about the story please

    Silverchristmas June 2, 2021 11:47 pm

    You should give it a read. Totally recommend. It’s not any intense angst or anything and the couple communicates really well. Plus they’re pretty and the smut is *chefs kiss*

    karma > < June 6, 2021 10:41 pm


BabyBlue39 May 23, 2021 3:59 pm

Hi can anyone give me the name of all the comics in Ch 2 please

    guaco June 27, 2021 8:23 pm

    bouai friendship is the one on the bottom of the page and i’m finding the names of the 12 grid on the top

    guaco June 27, 2021 9:14 pm

    in order, the ones on page 2 at the top. some of them are on other pages too.

    1. Munetaka sama no Dame Meido
    2. you’re a cute slave of love
    3. ijimete ageru
    4. mabayui koi no
    5. kouhaidanshi no shiiku nikki
    6. aniki ga koi wo hirotte kimashita
    7. 今日からケモノの男嫁さん!? (not on mangago)
    8. nemuri neko wa kuchidzuke de mezamenai
    9. 貞操×問答(not on mangago)
    10. ookami shounen wa uso o tsukanai
    11. 请摇着尾巴跟上来吧 ???
    12. ふしだら星の王子様 (not on mangago)

    on pg 3 the 12 are a little different, those being; #4. kono inu wa mada amai doku o shiranai, #10. ijimekko to nakimushi-kun

    “fujoshi trapped in a semes perfect body” is also on pg 3, 4 and maybe others

    BabyBlue39 June 28, 2021 12:40 am
    in order, the ones on page 2 at the top. some of them are on other pages too.1. Munetaka sama no Dame Meido2. you’re a cute slave of love3. ijimete ageru4. mabayui koi no5. kouhaidanshi no shiiku nikki6. anik... guaco

    Thanks so much

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