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Love, love me not.(139) 2020-09-23 0
WOW! What the f~(k..?!(107) 2020-10-02 0
born again(200) 2019-09-16 0
born again ... ep two(120) 2020-08-15 0

RenAnderson's topics ( All 34 )

RenAnderson October 7, 2020 11:25 am

So in LOVE with "The Lady and the Beast"... #ANIMETHELADYANDTHEBEAST

RenAnderson October 7, 2020 11:23 am

Judge for yourselves for the Anime... and if you don't believe more reason to pass on the belief that this Manga deserves an Anime Adaptation... so the Author or Anime forums can make this happen.... let's start the movement for any Manga you believe deserves an Anime Adaptation, just add this to your comments #ANIMESOLOLEVELING

    umasou~ October 7, 2020 4:00 pm

    yeah you're the same as all the sources I found talking about the anime. Saying they believe the webtoon "deserves" an anime. Not saying that there "IS" an anime confirmed. I'm not against the idea of an anime, I just think passing false news gives false hope. I'm hopeful for an anime this upcoming summer/fall 2021. But so far, no official confirmed news yet of production.

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