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707 February 29, 2024 10:46 pm

Why did the Hazukis personality change? Also did the art change as well? I love this manga bc the alpha was a green flag but trying to victim blame was loooow

    bunnygirl132 February 29, 2024 11:01 pm

    It's not necessarily coming out of nowhere (doesn't mean it's right or should have come out) with the teacher he acted jealous and was a bit out of line, the student who had a crush on Naoto, even with the preson who graped Naoto he was acting jealous. I think the author was trying to show that the line will keep being pushed until they do something that's going too far

    707 March 1, 2024 3:56 am
    It's not necessarily coming out of nowhere (doesn't mean it's right or should have come out) with the teacher he acted jealous and was a bit out of line, the student who had a crush on Naoto, even with the pres... bunnygirl132

    Omg you’re so right I never noticed the jealousy slowly becoming more and more toxic :c

707 June 4, 2021 11:30 pm


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