I watched the anime, it was really messed up so I was curious to read the manga. The manga is very different but somehow it's crazier ...the girls went from "I love you-uwu" to "I will kill whoever take the guy I love away" wayyyyyy too fast. That was a bit disturbing. I was here for a bit of angst but not that kind. I'm not saying it's a bad work or anything, but definitively not something I really understand :O

I DON'T KNOW IF I HAVE TRUST ISSUE OR something but I feel like he will crash!!! It's going too well, too romantic and heartwarming, only to make us cry so hard when he has an accident. Please don't let him die !!!! I beg you. Don't make him amnesic either, I won't be able to stand it. I need them to be happy :(((((((((((((((

NOOOO I WON'T STOP cuz that was PERFECT! The communication, the feelings, the vulnerability, the sincerity, the love fjioepiejpjgpe chef kiss! I was not expecting actual communiation and it was just perfect like yeah, two mature people in love discussing what went wrong, forgiving and proving their love ioejgojg litterally kicking feet
Honestly I would have been very content if it stops at the 11st chapter, without the jealous/weird friend of the guy. The whole chap was just so wholesome and cute <3 I'm happy.
I hope the angst won't be too much atfer :(